

第1个回答  2013-03-24
1 How long can I keep it ? borrow是瞬间动词,不可以和how long 连用。
2 Sorry ,we don't have any. some 用于否定句和疑问句要改为any.
3 Look ,they are playing soccer ball in the playground. 根据look要用进行时,球类前面不加the,乐器才加the。
4 He is running around the playground now. 根据now用进行时态。
5 Here are some photos of you. photo可数,根据some用复数形式。
6 Hello, Jane ,this is Michael. 固定的电话用语
7 I'm making cards, but it is boring. make的现在分词要去掉e加ing.
8 Jane is doing her homework now. 根据主语还有now改错
9 Kate likes riding bike to scool. like doing喜欢做,根据主语用第三人称。
10 I love reading books very much. love doing 喜欢做 ,读书只能应read,book应该用复数。
11.Excuse me ,do you have some newspapers ? newspaper可数,根据some用复数形式。
12 Look! many students are sitting there and watching a soccer game. 根据look用进行时态,sit要双写t加ing. watch和 sitting并列。
13 A few girls were dancing over there.
14 Few students ride bikes home.
15 Many people like seeing soccer games.
第2个回答  2013-03-24
How long can I keep them?
Sorry, we don't have any.
Look, they are playing the soccer in the playground.
He is running around the playground now.
Here are some photos of you.
Hello, Jane! This is Michael.
I'm making cards, but it's boring.
Jane is doing her homework now.
Kate likes riding bike to school.
I love reading books very much.

Excuse me, do you have any newspaper?
Look! Many students are sitting there and watching a soccer game.
A few girls are dancing over there.
Few students ride bikes home.
Many people like watching soccer games.
第3个回答  2013-03-24
1. borrow-keep(前者是瞬间性动词,后者为无限动词)
2. some-any(any用在否定句中)
3. are playing
4. is running
5. some-a
6. I am-This is
7. make和bore中字尾的那个-e都是不发音的,加-ing时把-e去掉。
8. is doing her
9. likes riding
10. look-reading
1. some-any
2. are sitting, watching
3. are dancing
4. ride
5. Much-many, peple-people (people中的长元音/i/由字母组合eo表示),see-seeing
第3个回答  2013-03-24
1. How long can I borrow them for?
2. Sorry, I dont have any.
3. Look, they are playing soccer in the playground.
4. He is running around the playground now.
5. Here are some photos of you.
6. Hello, Jane! This is Michael.
7. I'm making cards, but it's boring.
8. Jane is doing her homework now.
9. Kate likes riding a bike to school.
10. I love reading books very much.
1. Excuse me, do you have any newapapers?
2. Look! Many students are sitting there and watching a soccer game.
3. A few girls are dancing over there.
4. Few students ride bikes home.
5. Many people like watching soccer games.

第4个回答  2013-03-24




    runs---is running


    I am---This is

    makeing---making; boreing---boring


    ride---riding/to ride

    look---reading/ to read


    sit---sitting; watch---watching

    A few girls are dancing over there.

    Many people like to watch soccer games.
