
英语作文 上大学的好处有哪些

第1个回答  2013-07-02
What is the advantage of going to a university?
Time flies. We are leaving our beloved High School.
Now one question hanges on everyone's mind is:"What is the advantage of going to a university?"
Well - I shall adress this question in three aspects.
a) By going to university, we'll have four more years to study. That will give us the advantage of better preparing us for the society; So - it get's us time.
b) It would also allow us to be trained and specialised in a more focused discipline at a university. That is very important - since it would allow us to get better qualified for more interesting jobs. Therefore, it would give us better job opportunities.
c) University life is also fun - we would be able to make new friends - friends for life. So by going to a university would help us to build a better human network.

Well, what is the downside? There is only one: having to take more exams for four more years. Thank you all very much.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-07-02