

In my memories,I had a duck doll.It is the best gift I have ever received.I got it on my third birthday.
My father gave the doll to me.Because he thought it could be with me and make me happy.I loved it very much because of its company.It was a Danold Duck.It was white and its feet and mouth were yellow.
It had big and black eyes.It was really cute and comfortable.I slept with it every night.I think it is the best gift.那天太阳很大。但风也很猛。我们彼此带着沉重又喜悦的心情、再次踏上最后一次去学校的路程——去拿成绩单和开毕业联欢会。这段路。说长也不长,说短也不短。可是,在这条路上,我回忆了六年来的这点点滴滴。我们一起笑过、一起哭过,一起拼搏过、一起走过。还能听见昔日我们胜利时的朗朗笑声、这永远属于我们的笑声。这天。 同学们都比以往来得早、大家都知道、这可能是我们最后一次见面了。 同学们纷纷相互送礼物。只有我,并没有收到一份礼物。一个人躲在墙角。看着同学们互相欢笑、我的心情好失望,好失落。“给你。 ”突然。从我身后传来一个熟悉的声音。我转过身去一看——是小Y,她正微笑着看着我。说、 “这是给你的毕业礼物,希望你永远不要忘记你小学还有一个我这样的朊友。还有那件事我早就原谅你了。 ”我十分惊诧地看着她手中捧着的精美礼品盒,简直不敢相信这是真的。我伸出手瑟缩地从她手中接过礼物。那是一个装饰得很精美的一个盒子、打开包装纸。拿出来是一个小瓶子、里面装满了1000个小星星,上面还写着,原谅你了。祝你在以后的路上一帄风顺。如你所愿。那一刻、我哭了。这突如其来的礼物让我想起很久以前的事——有一次。我把小Y最心爱的书给弄丢了。 由于紧张。不知道如何向她解释,也没有说声“对不起”。看上去她当时好像很恨我的样子。从此,我们俩好像谁也不认识谁一样……可是。今天、今天她却是唯一一个送我礼物的同学。
第1个回答  2013-07-10
That day was my birthday, my best friend give me a pen. He say that this pen is the synbol of our friendship, he hope that I can spend happy time on my birthday party and be happy and healthy in my everyday life.
I'm so grad that he gives this pen to me. I believe our friendship will last for a long long time, till we can't remeber each other or we both dead. Thank you, thank you so much, I'll always bring this pen with me and keep it carefully.
第2个回答  2013-07-10