

第1个回答  2023-03-01

引出原因的四种表达:There are three/various reasons for...;What are the possible reasons for.../Why...?;Possible reasons for ... may be as follows;Possible reasons for... may be a , b and c;
引出具体解决方法的四种表达方式:There are three/various solutions to the problem;What are the possible solutions to it?;Possible solutions to it are as follows;Possbile solutions to it may be part-time job,scholarship and financial aid.




You can see a live show on TV. We can get the information of soports events on TV. But there is a unique topic you can only read from the sports line in newspaper. The sports lovers can sit in a comfortable chair, hold the newspaper and read what the coach said and what the players felt.

以上段落中出现了三种不同的称谓:you,we,the sports lovers,细细研究,不难发现,前两种称谓都是用来指代the sportslovers。作者根据汉语习惯用“你可以...”以及“我们可以...”来表示泛指,但是在英语中像这样在同一个段落或同一篇文章中混淆称谓的现象是不允许的。


1、 分析影响/利弊

There are three/a number of consequences of...
... brings about some great/serious consequences
... involves/entails some great/serious consequences
Its side effects are enormous
Perhaps the most serious/obvious consequence is...
The immediate result is...
... deprives/strips people of...
... is/becomes the victim of...
... will exercise/exert a beneficial influence / effect/impact on...


There are probably three / a number of reasons for...
why...?/What are the reasons for...?
This phenomenon involves / entails several complicated factors /reasons
... is mainly because of/due to/owing to...
It is due to...,rather than..., let alone...
... ont only because...,but (also) because...
... partly/in part because..., partly/in part because...
Corrupts/erodes one's minds/virtues
One/We may lay/place blame for B on A
... Contributes to...
Some may attribute.../it to...
... undermines...
... poses a threat to...


There are too many examples/instances of...
Nowa days, every one of us is confronted/faced with too many examples/instances of...
Some...Others...Still others... Even there are those who..
Sometimes,... More often,...


Such a tragedy would not happen if we knew the following ways to handle...(虚拟语气)
The key words are..., ... and ...
Only in this way,could/can...(倒装结构)
It is high time that...
The impact could be minimized if we follow the ways / suggestions above
These are the secrets of a successful...

When others ask for help,we may hesitate to say "no" in two situations.First,if the matter is dishonest or even illegal,we should say "no".Second,we can't do it.
要求:1、把蓝色粗体改为"sometimes,... More ofen,it is because..."的句型

Many people don't say no when they should,mainly for two reasons. In most cases,they don't want to lose the friendship with the person asking for help.It is also likely that they may gain various profits if they help others even if it would not be legal.
要求:1、把蓝色粗体第一句改为" Two ingredients could account for..." 的句型;
2、把蓝色粗体第二句主要原因改为" It is mainly due to..." 的句型;
3、把蓝色粗体第三句次要原因用"another reason is connected with..." 的句型改写;

Nevertheless,did they ever think of its negative effects? When the matter turns out to be unsuccessful, the friends in need of help will miss the valuable time and chance to solve the problem.This may even ruin their friendship.And when they accept the "dirty" gifts,they have lost something much more important-integrity.There fore , don't hesitate to say "no", otherwise, it will harm the interests of other people or even the whole society..
要求:1、把蓝色粗体第一句改为" Nevertheless,it involves/entails some unfavorable consequences." 的句型;
2、把蓝色粗体第二句改为" ...undermines..." 的句型;
3、把蓝色粗体第三句改为"... will pose a threat to..." 的句型;

When others ask for help,we may hesitate to say "no" in two situations.Sometimes,if the matter is dishonest or even illegal,we will say "no".More often,it is because it is beyond our abilities.

Two ingredients could account for peoples reluctance to say "no" . It is mainly due to their unwillingness to lose the friendship with the person asking for help.Another reason is connected with the various profits they can get if they help others even if it would not be legal.

Nevertheless,it involves some unfavorable consequences. When the matter turns out to be unsuccessful, the friends in need of help will miss the valuable time and chance to solve the problem.This may even undermine their friendship.And when they accept the "dirty" gifts,they have lost something much more important-integrity.There fore , don't hesitate to say "no", otherwise, it will pose a threat to the interests of other people or even the whole society..