急求一篇以书信格式写关于你对‘友谊’的看法的英语作文!!!! 跪求!!

注意格式 最好在作文写完后下面加下它的中文意思! 谢谢!!

第1个回答  2013-09-03
我原创的100字,希望你满意! Dear friend: How are you doing?In your last letter,You asked me what friendship is .I want to tell you someting about friendship. Friendship is a word that is hard to be meant beacuse there is only real friendship both good friends.You can't differ good friends from friends at times.Sometimes a false friends pretend a good friend of you and make you in trouble or bad later while real friends can teach you a lot and they will help you hard even if the trouble is hard to be solved.It is an important lesson to separate bad friends from good fiends.Friends should help each other.When you are sad and anxious,your good friends should help you to get rid of sadness or make you calm down.That is my little understood of the friendship. I hope everything goes well From:ANGEL译文:亲爱的朋友,你好吗?在你的上一封信中你问我友谊是什么。我想告诉你我对友谊的一些看法。友谊这个词很难诠释,因为只有在最好的朋友之间才会有真正的友谊。你经常不能区分你朋友中好的朋友是谁,有的时候假的朋友会伪装成你的好朋友,他(她)会让你深陷困难的泥潭里或者是让你变坏,而真正的朋友会教会你很多而且即使困难很难解决的时候他们也会帮你。分辨你好朋友中的坏朋友是一堂很重要的课。朋友之间因该互相帮助,当你伤心或者紧张的时候,你的好朋友应该帮你摆脱伤心或者是让你冷静下来。这就是我对友谊的一点小小理解。 祝你一帆风顺 写信人:ANGEL 谢谢采纳!