

第1个回答  2013-08-16




第2个回答  2013-08-16
To the ancients: the book's own house of gold, jade Yen own book. It is said that the benefits of the book. This is also the same friends, friends like the same book, give us a different flavor of sweet and sour and so on.

�0�2�0�2�0�2 A good friend like a useful book, it gives us Mingmu, an increase of insight. Institute of the truth in life, and know how to get along with others. It allows us to far-sighted, it is estimated that the development of things, make the right choice. Of course, things have two sides, just as a friend too. Since it is bound to have good friends there will be bad. Bad friend of the book as good, which we do not understand how good people, honest people. It makes We can not look at things accurate, can not make the right approach. It makes our moral disappeared, become rational and irrational.

�0�2�0�2�0�2 For this reason, we treat a friend to tell whether or not to be useful for us. If no good then try to stay away from, Do not you think so
第3个回答  2013-08-16