英语作文:理解 (要有具体事例)

1.初三水品 2.一定要有具体事例 .比如 想抄同桌作业她不给,我不开心。过后想想,觉得是同桌对我好。但是这个事例有点俗了,最后换个差不多的。

第1个回答  2013-04-30
I need understanding from Chinese classic poetry.
Studying Chinese classic poems is always my biggest problems. It's so hard for me to understand them because it's written in the way of ancient time which people don't use any more in present day. I found that to read the original artials doesn't make sense to me. I have to try to remeber the meaning for every word to make them easier for me to understand. When I know the meaning of each word in a peom, I can relate them to a whole story so that I can remeber them easily.