

第1个回答  2024-04-19
1. The Earth, our mother, is facing severe damage due to human activities. It is crucial to protect the environment without delay.
2. We yearn for a clean Earth, a healthy planet, and an environmentally friendly home. Let us show our commitment by actively participating in environmental protection and spreading its importance.
3. The Earth's changing climate is causing new natural disasters, and our developed cities are at risk of expanding artificial damage. The大量使用化学物质不仅带来了便利,还在环境中积累了各种有毒物质,对人类健康造成威胁。
4. To counteract environmental risks and prevent city disasters, we need new risk management and disaster prevention systems. By doing so, we can create cities where people live comfortably and healthily.
5. The government must take more concrete measures to protect the environment. Education should be used to raise awareness, and stricter population control policies are needed. Those who intentionally harm the environment should face severe penalties.
6. Air, water, and soil pollution are significant environmental issues. Toxins in the air are harmful to health, while polluted water can lead to diseases and death. The rapid expansion of cities has also resulted in a significant reduction in vegetation.
7. Governments worldwide have implemented legislative measures to control pollution and protect resources. They play a crucial role in environmental protection today.
8. We only have one Earth, and it's essential to take care of it. However, the environment is currently being polluted严重地, so we must take action.
9. Simple actions like picking up litter, collecting waste batteries, and reducing plastic bag usage can make a difference. Additionally, public spitting should be avoided. Protecting the environment is our responsibility.
10. As a student, I will do my best to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same. If everyone contributes, our Earth will become more beautiful.