

2: 我想我也许真的是爱上你了,这几天满脑子都是你!我知道我们不会有任何结果,但我就是无法控制我自己的感情。我现在感到很痛苦,我这样是不是很傻?你可以告诉我我该怎么办吗?


第1个回答  2008-07-07
1,I'm talking to you seriously! Please believe me!OK?

2,I think I fall in love with you,I've been thinking about you all day.I know things may not work out between us,but I can't control myself.I'm in pain now,isn't it silly or not?Could you please tell me what to do?

第2个回答  2008-07-07
I'm very serious with all the following words! You should believe in me! Ok?

I think I may fall in love with you this time, you're in my mind all these days. I know there's no end for us, but I can't control my natrual feelings. I'm annoyed, isn't it silly? Could you tell me what I should do?本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-07-07

1. I'm very serious! Could you please just trust me?

2. I think I'm in love with you. You're running all over my head! Even though I know we don't have a future, there's no way I can control my feelings towards you. I know this might look stupid, but I'm in deep pain right now. What am I supposed to do?
第4个回答  2008-07-07
1. I am very serious telling you this. Please trust me, OK?
2. I guess I really fall in love with you, I have been thinking of you these few days. I know we will not have any result, but I can't stop my feeling. I am in suffer now, am I too stupid? Can you tell me what should I do?
第5个回答  2008-07-07
I be to say these to you very seriously! Please must believe in what I speaks! OK?

I think that I am to have fallen in love with you maybe really , that this several day has one's mind stuffed with all is you! I know we can not have any result, but I am out-of-control my own affection. I feel very pained now , I am like this whether be or not very stupid? My my that why can you tell to handle?