

第1个回答  2022-12-13


1、This species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year. 这种鸟的数量在逐年减少。

2、The birds are found in over 70 different localities. 现已发现这种鸟栖息在70多个不同的地区。

3、The lake is noted as a home to many birds. 这个湖作为许多鸟类的栖息地而闻名。

4、Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday. 昨天新增十例禽流感病例报告。

5、Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. 鸟利用暖气流助飞。

6、The bird is now a rare sight in this country. 如今在这个国家,这种鸟已罕见了。