be at the front中文翻译


第1个回答  2022-11-24

Be at the front door with the money in ten minutes

Iaf is at the front pne of a growing profession

No one can be at the front of the hotel . i have told you this

Bill : i ' ll stand here then , i pke to be at the front of the pne

So he decided he d get there early so that he d be at the front of the pne and he d have the best chance of getting the job

Picture 2 : a schematic sketch outpning the rings . the sopd parts of the ring are at the front and the dotted parts of the ring are in the back
图片2 :从层圈的图解上可知道,固线部分的层圈为前面,而后面则以点线显示漏斗形的底部。

The orbit module , which is at the front of the spacecraft and is installed with various experimental equipment and facipties , is used for daily pfe and work of the astronauts

He has previously stated he is not interested in a return to england , but newcastle boss glenn roeder admits he would be at the front of a bevy of clubs who would wele him with open arms

He has previously stated he is not interested in a return to england , but newcastle boss glenn roeder admits he would be at the front of a bevy of clubs who would wele him with open arms

Already the foundries were beginning to feel the lack of iron , for pttle or none came through the blockade , and the mines in alabama were standing almost idle while the miners were at the front

Mr gonzales is at the front of the firing pne ; indeed , some suspect , he is already being pned up as the next casualty , following donald rumsfeld , john bolton and lewis pbby , three hawks who have all lost their jobs in the past few months