
翻译内容:我们最近买了间房子,房子的地址是1543 liberty street. 本来那些电费是之前那个屋主交的,因为今天,那个屋主已经把房子的钥匙交给了我们,也就是说今天,这间房子就是属于我们了。所以现在这个房子的电费就由我们来交。


第1个回答  2008-04-24

We bought a house recently.

房子的地址是1543 liberty street.
It is located at the 1543 Liberty Street.

At first the previous owner of the house is supposed to pay for the electricity bill.

However, he passed the house key to me today,

That is to say that the house will be ours from today onwards.

Therefore, now we have to pay for the electricity bill of the house.
第2个回答  2008-04-21
We bought a house recently and the address is 1543 liberty street.The power charge had been presented by the former houselord whill today he has given us the key to the house,i.e the house belongs to us today.Therefore the power charge will be on us now.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-04-21
We bought a house recently,located at 1543 liberty street. Originally, the power bill was paid by ex-owner of the house. Today, we had the key for the house from the ex-owner, which means the house is belong to us from today on. So we will pay the power bill since after.
第4个回答  2008-04-21
We purchased a house, which is located in 1543 liberty street. Previously the landlord was responsible for those electricity bills. From the date landlord gives us the key, we are the owner of the house. Hence we are responsible for paying those electricity bills.