急求一篇英语作文,根据下面三点写1当前医患关系不和谐的状况2原因分析3解决方法 120-150字.

How to obtain a better understanding between medical workers
youyou23456 |2009-06-06
急求一篇英语作文,根据下面三点写1当前医患关系不和谐的状况2原因分析3解决方法 120-150字,万分感激。急!

第1个回答  2013-01-06
Some people think that family life and parents have great influence on children's development, while others believe that external influence plays a more important role in children's lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Parenting and schooling are two necessary stages in children's development process(?). However, which one is more influential has become a controvertial issue these days.
Some people belive that children's personalities are basically formed during their childhood, thus famly life and early experience affect children more impressively. That means, if children grew up in a happy and harmonious family environment, they would become more confident and kind to others. By contrast, children who live in an unfortunately divorced or violent family would gain less happiness which are necessary at this age. They might become introverted and not willing to make friends with others in campus. Those who are spoiled when they are young might be self-centered and are prone to harm others. Because of its importance, so many parents put their heart on educating their children. They help them learn how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in the world.
On the other hand, schooling is definitely one kind of exteral influence which has an essential effect on children. Apart from transporting knowledge, schools are perfect places to assist children forming well behaviors and building social skills. In school, children can gain much happiness from playing with others whose age are identical to them. They share ideas and help each other in a way which is entirely different that of adults. Introverted children may be transformed into extroverted or even charismatic ones. Also, what children experience when they leave parents are impressive as well because they are able to judge by themselves and decide whether they should following their own hearts. For instance, they will choose their favored majors no matter how their parents persue them not to.
In conclusion, i would say family life are really important to children's development, but external experience are essential as well. These experience can work as a compliment to their family life.