

第1个回答  2014-06-28
How to save electricity? (如何节约用电)
1. Close the light when you leave the room.
2. Only use the air conditioner when it is absolutely necessary.
3. Unplug items when they are not being used or when it's not necessary to plug them. For instance, you can unplug your computer charger when the battery is full.
4. Turn off electric appliances when you are not using them, such as TV.
5. Try to put in more clothings when using the washing machines to reduce the usage of electricity.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2014-06-28
Unplug your mobile phone charger when the phone is fully charged.
Turn off the lamps when you leave a room.
Turn off the monitor when you leave your computer for a while.
Use energy-saving devices, such as LED lamps.
Use E-mail instead of printed mail to send a message.
第3个回答  2014-06-28
Using rice washing water to flush the toilet, wash a face with water to wash feet, wash bowl of water to water the flowers, and laundry water sweep the floor and wash the dishes of water tree追答


Don't use electronic dictionary, turn off the lights before going to sleep, try to read paper books, tens of millions of online games, watching TV turn off immediately
