
汕头市潮南区旭鹏服装厂成立于2006年,本厂拥有500多名员工,占地20000多平方米,坐落于潮南区陇田镇珠埕工业 园,秉承“品质重于泰山,创造永不止步”的宗旨,不断创新生产工艺,紧扣人性化的设计需求,努力打造一个“舒适 、健康、个性、”的国际化品牌。本公司产品销售网络遍及欧美、东南亚乃至全球,未来我们将扩大生产规模,与合作 伙伴们共同创造一个更大更强,如旭日东升,如大鹏展翅般的旭鹏企业,也欢迎世界各地国际友人

第1个回答  2013-01-25
Xupeng Clothes Factory of Shantou Chaonan D.C. was started in 2006.There are more than 500 workers.It is over 20000 ㎡.It lies in Zhucheng Industrial Park of Chaonan District, Longtian Country.Its aim is that the quality is heavier than Mount Tai and creating will never stop.It will continue creating to produce a International brand which is comfortable、healthy and personal according to the humanized design requirement. The products of our firm are sold across Europe、America,even across the world.
We will expand the scale of production in the future.We will create a bigger and stronger Xu Peng Company with our partners. We welcome International friends across the world.
第2个回答  2013-01-25
Shantou City Chaonan Xupeng garment factory was founded in 2006, the factory has more than 500 employees, covers an area of 20000 square meters, is located in Chaonan District Tian Zhen Zhu Cheng Industrial Park, adhering to the "quality to create be weightier than Mount Tai, never stop " purpose, continuous innovation and production process, the design requirements to human nature, and strive to create a " comfort, health, personality, " international brand. Product sales network of the company throughout Europe and the United States, Southeast Asia and the world, the future we will expand the scale of production, together with the partners to create a bigger and stronger, such as the red sun rises in sky., such as a great hawk spreads its wings like Xupeng enterprise, also welcome international friends all over the world本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-01-25
Shantou tide area xu peng clothing facto ry was established in 2006, our factory h as more than 500 employees, covers an area of more than 20000 square meters, is located in the ChaoNa area long tian t own bead Cheng industrial park, adherin g to the "quality is better than mount tai, create never stop," the purpose, and con stantly innovative production technology, adapted to the human nature in the desi gn requirements, and strive to create a " comfort, health, personality," internation al brand. This company product sales ne twork throughout Europe and the United States, southeast Asia and even the worl d, in the future we will expand the scale of production, and partners work togeth er to create a bigger and more strong, su ch as the red sun rises from the east, suc h as volant roc of xu peng enterprise, als o welcome all over the world international friends 跪求悬赏,谢谢楼主。
第4个回答  2013-01-25