求一篇原创英语作文 700~800字 主题是定义一个人。

定义一个人 可以从他的个性 爱好 和背景来定义
他的个性是 : 为人随和 一丝不苟 幽默
爱好是 : 摄影 打篮球 画画
背景是 家里贫穷 后来努力找到了好工作
求一个大神帮我写一篇这种的800字左右 中英文都行 最好英文 采纳的话100块支付宝立转!!

第1个回答  2012-11-26
He is a poor artist and what he does living is to paint drawing in his whole live. He is an easy going and a determined person who never gave up his dream which is to paint the most beatiful art in the world. However, life is not easy the way he thinks. Things got changed and he even has no money to pay his rent fees and paper for painting. Fortunately, he worked very hard and his achievements are finally appreciated by a famous artist in Germany. And he was offered a decent job with satisfying salary.本回答被网友采纳