
A man-made satellite is an object which is made by human.It orbits the earth in s____.It is sent up by a r_____ which must reach a speed high enough to escape the pull of the earth.Asatellite can do many things for people.For e____ it can take phones of weather conditions from which people can get a weather r___ for the present and the future.It can a_____ heip people to send TV and radio signalsfrom one side of the world to the other.Besides it is useful to farmers, for pictures taken from satellites can tell the difference between heathy and sick plants so that they can know what to do with the p___  

第1个回答  2011-12-11
A man-made satellite is an object which is made by human.It orbits the earth in space____.It is sent up by a rocket_____ which must reach a speed high enough to escape the pull of the earth.Asatellite can do many things for people.For example____ it can take phones of weather conditions from which people can get a weather report___ for the present and the future.It can also_____ heip people to send TV and radio signalsfrom one side of the world to the other.Besides it is useful to farmers, for pictures taken from satellites can tell the difference between heathy and sick plants so that they can know what to do with the prombles___
第2个回答  2011-12-09
依次为:space rocket example report also plants
第3个回答  2011-12-11
space rocket example report also problems
第4个回答  2014-04-24
space rocket example report also plant