

第1个回答  2023-07-06

Greeting and Seating (问候和就座)

    "Hello, welcome to [restaurant name]. How many are in your party?" 你好,欢迎光临[餐厅名称]。您一共几位?

    "Do you have a reservation?" 你们有预订吗?

    "Would you like a table for two?" 您需要一张两人桌吗?

    "Would you prefer a booth or a table by the window?" 您更喜欢一个包间还是一个靠窗的桌子?

Ordering Food (点餐)

    "What would you like to drink?" 您想喝点什么?

    "Are you ready to order?" 您准备好点菜了吗?

    "Could I have the menu, please?" 可以给我菜单吗?

    "I'll have the fish and chips, please." 我要点鱼和薯条。

    "Do you have any vegetarian options?" 你们有素食选项吗?

    "How spicy is the curry?" 这道咖喱有多辣?

    "Could I have my steak well-done, please?" 我的牛排可以煮熟一点吗?

Asking for Recommendations (询问推荐)

    "What's your specialty dish?" 你们的特色菜是什么?

    "What do you recommend for dessert?" 你们推荐什么甜点?

    "Is there anything you would suggest for a first-time visitor?" 你们有什么推荐给第一次来的客人吗?

Asking for Assistance (寻求帮助)

    "Could you please explain what's in this dish?" 你能解释一下这道菜里面有什么吗?

    "I'm allergic to nuts. Does this dish contain any nuts?" 我对坚果过敏。这道菜里面有坚果吗?

    "Could we have separate checks, please?" 我们可以分开结账吗?

Paying the Bill (结账)

    "Could we have the bill, please?" 我们可以结账吗?

    "Could I pay with a credit card?" 我可以用信用卡支付吗?

    "Can you split the bill between two cards?" 能把账单分到两张卡上吗?

Expressing Satisfaction (表达满意)

    "The food was delicious, thank you!" 食物很好吃,谢谢!

    "We had a great time. The service was excellent." 我们过得很愉快。服务很棒。

Expressing Complaints (表达投诉)

    "I'm sorry, but my steak is undercooked." 对不起,我的牛排是没煮熟的。

    "Could you bring me a new fork? This one is dirty." 能给我换一把新的叉子吗?这把脏了。
