
1. 出口必须申报,若果不申报就要交税,不能退税的要办理免税证明,否则就要交税
2. 税务局在海关代码的基础上将商品码扩展了2位,如果海关代码相同,但是税务代码有多个可选项时,如果退税率都一样就无所谓选哪一个,如果征税率均为17%,则选择退税率较低的那一个。
3. 进项税的认证时限是按照发票开出日期的90天内。
4. 样品出口视同内销处理。
5. 出口退税价格按照出口发票为准,如果价格不合理,税务局有权按照征管法进行调整。
6. 如果已经报关出口并且已申报出口退税,但是出现坏帐,只要能够跟外管局沟通,能够进行核销就可以退税。

第1个回答  2007-08-15
1. Exports must declare if the declaration should not pay taxes, not a tax rebate for the tax-free to prove, you will have to pay tax
2. The Customs Department in the code base of commodity codes will be expanded two, the same as if the customs code, but the tax code has a number of options, if the tax rebate rate on the same election does not matter which one, if the tax rate were 17%, then choose the lower rate of tax rebates that one.
3. VAT certification in accordance with the time frame is open from the date of the invoice within 90 days.
4. Domestic exports regarded as a sample processing.
5. The export tax rebate under invoicing of exports prices prevail, if unreasonable price, in accordance with the Inland Revenue tax collection law to make the adjustments.
6. If the export declaration and has declared the export tax rebate, but bad debts, as long as they can communicate with the SAFE, is able to write off on the tax rebate.本回答被网友采纳