

第1个回答  2014-01-10
2、学会用书信对话等形式表达自己的今昔变化 B、知识整合 1、动词短语
(1)make mistakes犯猎误 (2)take/write notes做笔记 (3)laugh at嘲笑 (4)turn off关掉
(5)make up组成,构成 (6)to begin with首先
(7)do a lot of practice做大量练习
(8)look up a word in a dictionary查字典 (9)get excited about对„变得激动 (10)speak to sb.与某人讲话 (11)deal with处置,处理 (12)go by 过去,消逝
(14)try/do one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事 (15)regard„as„把„„当作„„
(16)compare„to„把„„比作(成)„„ (17)take pride in为某人(某物)感到自豪 (18)make a decision做决定,下决心 (19)be terrified of害怕„„,恐惧„„
(20)can’t afford to do sth.没有足够的金钱去做某事 (21)get into trouble遇到麻烦,困难 (22)pay attention to对„„注意,留心 (23)give up放弃 2.介词短语
(1)on one’s way to 在去某地的途中,路上 (2)in grammar在语法方面
(3)with the help of在„„帮助下 (4)on the swim team是游泳队的队员 (5)with lights on灯亮着
(6)in the last few years在过去的几年里. (7)to one’s surprise出乎意料,令某人惊奇 (8)in the end最后,终于
(1)not„at all根本(不)全然(不) (2)later on以后,随后 (3)spoken English口语 (4)speaking skills口语技能 (5)each other互相,彼此 (6)all the time一直
(7)even though即使,尽管 (8)no longer不再 4.中考考点
(1)by doing sth.通过做某事
(2)be afraid of sth.害怕某物 be afraid of doing sth.担心,害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth.害怕,担心而不敢去做某事 be afraid that+从句表示“担心,恐怕„” I’m afraid so/not恐怕是这样,恐怕不会这样 5.必背句型
(1)—How do you study for a test?
--I study by working with my classmates. (2)Have you ever studied with a group?
(3)What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? (4)Why not join an English language club? (5)Don’t you remember me?
(6)You used to be really quiet, didn't you? 6、语法
(1)how引导的特殊疑问句表示“以„方式” (2)行为动词+by+动名词 (3)used to表示“过去常常”
1、学会谈论允许做的事和不允许做的事 2、学会谈论假设和虚拟的情况 B、知识整合 1.动词短语
(1)stay up不睡,熬夜
(2)be strict with对„„要求严格 (3)learn from向„„学习;从„„学到 (4)take a test参加考试 (5)care about关心,担心
(6)get one’s ears pierced打耳朵眼 (7)concentrate on„集中精力在„-
(8)have an opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事. (9)achieve one’s dream实现梦想 (10)be serious about对„„认真 (11)get in the way of防碍
(12)ask one’s permission征求某人的许可
(13)come up with找到或提出问题的答案、方法 (14)let„down使„·.-失望或沮丧„ (15)keep sb..happy让某人感到高兴、幸福 2.介词短语
(1)at present r目前,现在 (2)on school nights在学校的晚上 (3)in public当众,公开地 (4)without permission未经允许 (5)at lunch time在午饭时间 (6)by accident.偶然
(7)in a public place在公众场合 3.其他短语
(1)the other day几天前
(2)English-English dictionary英英词典 (3)the same as„和„„相同 (4)medical research医学研究 (5)plenty of‘大量的 (6)right away立刻;马上
(7)a first—aid book一本急救书 . (8)so do we我们也如此 4.中考考点
(1)get sb./sth.done=have sb./sth.done请人做„„
(2)allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 allow doing sth.=be allowed to do sth.允许做某事
(3)12-year-olds相当于一个名词,可以作主语或表语; 12-year-old相当于一个形容词,常常用作定语; 12 years old往往作表语。
(4)What if=What will happen if如果„-将会怎么样 (5)would rather„than„宁愿„„而不„„ (6)so+情态动词/助动词/系动词+主语 So+主语+情态动词/助动词/系动词 5.必背句型
(1)I think sixteen-year-olds should.be allowed to drive. (2)I disagree.They talk.instead。of doing homework.
(3)一Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs? -- No,I don’t think so.
(4)Everyone needs to have at least eight hours’sleep at night. (5)We¨have nothing against running.
(6)What would you do if you won a million dollars? (7)I’d give it to medical research.
(8)I can’t sleep the night before all exam。What should I do? (9)If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed (10)What would you do if you injured your knee while running?
一Would you like some milk? -- No,thanks./Yes,please
一Would you like to come to my house tonight? —Yes I’d love to. (2)动词短语的用法
1、学会谈论发明的历史及描述食物的味道 2、学会描述过去发生的事件 B、知识整合 1、动词短语
(1)be used for被用来做„„ (2)fall into掉人
(3)go into the bathroom进入浴室 (4)take a shower淋浴 (5)run off跑掉,迅速离开 (6)show up露面
(7)go of爆炸,发出巨响 (8)come by路过,经过
(9)give sb.a ride让某人搭便车 (10)make it及时到达;赶上 (11)break down损坏,坏掉 (12)get dressed穿衣,打扮 (13)run to朝„„跑 (14)get married结婚 (15)set off激起;引起 (16)knock„into与„相撞 (17)flee from从„„逃走 2.介词短语
(1)by mistake错误地
(2)by accident偶然;意外 (3)in the dark在黑暗中
(5)in the sixth century在第六世纪 (6)by the time到„„时间为止 (7)since then自从那时起 3.其他短语
(1)alarm clock闹钟 (2)light bulb电灯泡 (3)potato chips土豆条 (4)flying disk 飞盘
(5)a costume party化装舞会 (6)radio program电台节目
(7)a happy ending 一个愉快的结局
(8)April Fool’s Day愚人节 4.中考考点
(1)leave sth.+地点表示“把某物遗忘在某处”
(2) so+adj./adv.+that+句子,表示“如此„„以致于„„ 5.必背句型
(1)--When was the telephone invented? —1 think it was invented in 1876. (2)一Who were they invented by? —-They were invented by… (3)一What are they used for? --They are used for„ (4)一What happened? --I overslept And by the time I got up,my brother had already got into the shower. (5)When I got home,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack. (6)一Have you ever been late for school? --Yes,I have.
(7)一Why were you late? --The bus broke down. 6.语法
(1)一般过去时的被动语态was / were+p.p (2)过去完成时态 had +p. p
2、学会谈论应该做和不应该做的事情 B、知识整合 1、动词短语
(1)make a telephone call打电话 (2)hang out挂出;闲逛
(3)take the elevator乘电梯 (4)take a right向右转
(5)take dance lessons上舞蹈课
(6)show(great)interest in对„„表现出极大的兴趣 (7)get relaxation得到放松 (8)make plans拟定计划. (9)dress up盛装;打扮 (10)make noise制造噪声 (11)cut up切开;切碎 (12)make a toast敬酒 (13)be supposed to应该
(14)invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事 (15)point at sb.指向某人
(16)plan to do sth.计划做某事
(17)keep doing sth.坚持做某事 (18)make faces做鬼脸 (19)shake hands摇手 (20)pick up捡起来
(21)be relaxed about对„„比较随意 (22)drop by拜访;访问 2.介词短语
(1 on the second floor在二楼 (2)in a way从某个观点看 (3)after all毕竟
(4)at the end of在„„的末尾 (5)at the table在桌旁
(6)on Chinese New Year在中国春节。 (7)in order to为了
(8)for the first time第一次 3.其他短语
(1)the front door前门
(2)rock.bank plays摇滚乐队表演 (3)such as例如
(4)department store百货商店,百货公司 (5)furniture store家俱店 (6)water slide水滑道 (7)table manners餐桌礼仪 4.中考考点
(1)find it+adj+to do stll.发现做某事„„
(2)used to do sth.与be/get used to doing的用法:
Used to do sth.表示“过去常常干某事’’(现在不再这样了)
get/be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 (指从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变) 5.必背句型
(1)Could you tell me how to get to the post office?
(2) –Could you please tell me where I can get la dictionary?
一Go out the front door and take a fight.walk about three blocks. (3)Do you know where I can exchange money?
(4)—How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night? 一Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.
(5) I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00. (6)—What are you supposed to do when you meet someone? -- I am supposed to shake hands. (7)--When were you supposed to arrive?
--I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.
(8) You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. 6.语法
A、 掌握宾语从句的定义、结构、引导词、语序和时态。
b.主句是一般过去时,宾语从句用相应的过去时态。即:一般过去时,过去将来时,过去进行时和过去完成时。 B、“be supposed to +v原” 的用法
1、学会谈论不同事情对人产生的影响 2、学会谈论最近发生的事情 3、学会表达意见、辩论观点 B、知识整合 1、动词短语
(1)learn„from„向„„学习„„ (2)jump out of从„„跳出来
(3。)work hard at English努力学习英语 (4)taste terrible尝起来味道很糟 (5)keep out(使)不进入;(使)留在外面 (6)be aimed at针对
(7)to start with首先;作为开始 (8)clean out清除;打扫卫生 (9)be off离开;走开
(10)go on a world tour周游世界 (11)say goodbye to sb.向某人道别 (12)win a reward赢得一份奖金
(13)be against sb./sth.反对某人,某事 (14)be suitable to live in适合居住. (15)be surprised to do sth.很惊讶做某事 (16)care for关照,关心
(1 7)have enough,money to do。sth.有足够的钱做某事 (18) pull down拆除;摧毁;推翻
(19)hear of听说;听到有关”,„·的情况 (20)be made from由„„制成;由„„构成 (21)have fun with sb.和某人玩得愉快 (22)chat with sb.与某人聊天 (23)chop wood劈柴 2.介词短语
(1)for instance例如 (2)at other times其他时间 (3)in hospital生病住院
(4)in the last twelve months在最后的12个月里 (5)in one’s spare time在某人的业余时间 (6)at times有时;间或
(1)pros and cons正反两面;赞成与反对 (2)no one没有一个火 (3)so that以便于
(4)windy days刮风的日子
(5)the owner of the restaurant饭店主人 (6)good luck to sb.祝某人好运
(7)endangered animals濒临危险的动物
(8)a most unusual woman一个极不寻常的女人 4.中考考点
sth.adj使某物保持„„状态 sb.doing sth,使某人一直做某事
(1)keep on doing不停地做 sth.for sb替某人保管某物 sth sb.prep.使„„呆在某处 (2)so that...与so„that„的区别 so that„以便于,后接目的状语从句.
so...that„如此„„以致于„„,so+adj/adv.that后接句子。 (3) Lead sb. to do sth.引导/致使某人做某事 5.必背句型 (1)I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.
(2)Loud music makes me want to dance. (3)Loud music makes me stressed out. (4)一Have you watered plants yet?
一Yes.I’ve already watered them. (5)一Have you fed the eat?
—No.I haven’t fed her yet.
(6)I think that animals should not live in zoos. (7)We are trying to save the manatees.
(8)Manatees can eat about 100 pounds of food a day. (9)There used to be a 10t of manatees.
(10)In 1972,it was discovered that they were endangered. 6.语法
(1)动词不定式的用法 (2)现在完成时。追答
