
我做了一个酒驾的英语Ppt 结尾想呼吁人们不要酒驾! 因为现在在教室情况紧急 ,自己没带电脑无法制作!希望大神帮忙写一下,我直接复制进去!
是英文哦,字数100左右! 谢谢!

第1个回答  2013-11-12

坑我是吧。。 有没有啊? 我提问的这种


哼哼, 如果想坑你,压根就没必要搭理你了~~ 姐今天心情好,帮你一次!
Drunk driving has been reported as the main killer in 50%-60% traffic accidents. It is
becoming more and more severe as more cars and drivers are getting more
reckless with what they do to themselves and others on road.
However, more and more broken hearts and families and limbs are made by drunk driving in spite of
the calls of NO DRUNK DRIVING signs or advertisements showing everywhere in our
everyday life.

It seems that people do need to personally be the victim of it to stop this behavior. But that is too late, isn’t it? Please just stop it for God’s sake!
