

第1个回答  2019-01-09
Translation skills of English
English is now widely used in the world. English translation is a bridge connecting Chinese and English. Correct word choice is an important premise to ensure the quality of translation. Choosing a right word first depends on the precise understanding of the original meaning. And the exact understanding of the original meaning depends on the scrutiny of the context of the original.
For example, in the case of translation from Chinese to English, the basic meaning of the Chinese word “情况”is similar with “circumstances, situation, condition”etc., but how to translate it is according to the context.
1. 在这种“情况”下
Translation: “Under these/such circumstances”
2. 这种“情况”必须改变。
Translation: “This state of affairs must change.”
3. 现在“情况”不同了
Translation: “Now things are different.”
4. 她们的“情况”怎么样?
Translation: “How do matters stand with them?”
To better translate the texts, by grasping the above translation skills, they can do a lot of help to your translation.