初二《学英语》外研版答案。。有试卷 请帮忙做下选择题。别乱做。。求你们了

I. 单项选择 (15分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1. John likes to play ______ chess, but his sister likes to play ______ piano. A. a; a B. /; the C. the; the D. the; a ( ) 2. Chinese people always use ______ to have meals. A. forks B. knives C. chopsticks D. plates ( ) 3. Betty is a shy girl. She can stay at her bedroom all day long ______ any word! A. by B. with C. without D. through( ) 4. This storybook is very different ______ that one. A. from B. for C. with D. of ( ) 5. Mrs Jones must be at home because I heard her ______ just now. A. laughing B. laughed C. laugh D. to laugh( ) 6. Lucy has been to _____ places in America, for example, New York, California, Hollywood and Seattle. A. a little B. a bit C. a few D. a lot ( ) 7. Mike, why are you so ______? The film is over. A. later B. late C. early D. earlier( ) 8. The children are shouting ______. Please tell them to be quiet! A. really B. loudly C. lovely D. lightly ( ) 9. Old Paul ______ a gift from that boy, but he couldn’t ______ it. A. received; accept B. accepted; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; receive ( )10. Tim, you ______ play in the busy street, or a car ______ hit you. A. don’t; maybe B. can’t; may be C. mustn’t; maybe D. mustn’t; may( )11. I’m a little thirsty now. Mum, do we have ______ to drink in the fridge? A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything( )12. Please ______. I’ll come with you. A. give up B. hand in C. put up D. hang on ( )13. Helen and Sally often study together and they also help ______. A. the other B. others C. each other D. another( )14. The students should go to school _______. A. some time B. any time C. in time

第1个回答  2012-01-09
1.b 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.a
6.c 7.b 8.b 9.a 10.d
11.a 12.d 13.c 14.c
相信我吧,本人担任初中英语教学工作业已十余年!i've been an english teacher for more than 10 years.
第2个回答  2012-01-09

第3个回答  2012-01-09
1B 2C 3C 4A 5C 6C 7B 8B 9A 10D 11B 12都不怎么合适D稍微好点 13C 14 就三个选项?少一个on time吧?