

第1个回答  2012-10-06
The games which I play are football and tennis.
被修饰的词叫先行词,ex. the games
定语从句放在先行词后,ex. which I play
关系代词(放在原句中which位置上的)有who(修饰人的,可主可宾),whom(尝不用,用who就好,但在选择题,有whom和who并要代替宾语的,选whom),which(代物),that(万能型,实在不会就全用它,可是有些选择题不行,例如,Do you remember the day _____ he came to see you. A. who B .that C. when D. which ,要选C,不能选B,其实B没错,不是语法不行,而是出题人有病),whose(物,代谁的),在先行词用only啊,最高级啊,序数词修饰的情况下,只能用that代。
如上述关系副词,代词在定语从句中充当主语,ex. This is the man who helped me中who helped me是从句,who在此是主语,则who不可省略;充当宾语,ex. the house which he had lived was fired.中which he had lived是从句,改为陈述句是he had lived which(in the house),which作宾语,则which能省略。一句话:主语不能省,宾语能省。看不懂就都别省,这样不会错。
1.He is the student ______ understands English well.
2.He is a writer ______books are seldom read.
3.Do you know the woman______ he met?
4.This is the hotel ______ we are staying at.
5.The _Second_ World War______ millions of people were killed ended in1945.
6.The _only_ language ______ is easy to learn is the mother tongue.

1.who/that 2.whose 3.who/whom/that/可省略 4.which/that/可省略 5、6.that不能用which