

第1个回答  2015-03-30
How to Go toSchool
I have three good friends, Wang Ming, Li Hua and Zhang Ying. However
each of us goes to school in a different way. I go to school on foot, for my
home is not far from the school. Wang Ming goes to school by bike. It
takes him about 30 minutes to ride to school. Li Hua lives far away
from the school, so he goes to school by bus. It takes him about an hour
to cover the distance from his home to school. Zhang Ying is lucky, for
his father takes him to school by car. He doesn’t need to walk or ride
a bike to school. You can imagine that his family is much richer
than ours. Although we go to school in different ways, we arrive at
the school almost at the same time every day.本回答被网友采纳