
Certain that perfection is an impossible goal. 这里的certain 是形容词吧,怎么来修饰perfection,求语法规则~~~
还有一句(2)Both the development of technology tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness and increasing(and之后就不太看得懂了)求指教,谢谢~~~回加分的

第1个回答  2011-09-29
第一句话,倒过来就能明白了:That perfection is an impossible goal is certain. 此处,That引导的是一个主语从句。
这句话里两个定语从句搞清楚就不难了,一句是to which humanity has put them ,此处which是指代the uses,them指technology tools ,整句从句完整的是:humanity has put the technology tools to the uses;另一句是in which loneliness and increasing...
Both引导的两个主语是:the development of technology tools和 the uses(of technology tools) ,谓语是have created,宾语是:modern civilizations
主要架构就是:Both of the development of technology tools and the uses of technology tools have created modern civilizations.(科技工具的开发和使用创造了现代文明。)
第2个回答  2011-09-28
1. certain的确是形容词,这里前面省略了主谓语(I'm) certain that..........
2. 句子的主体结构:both the development and the uses have created modern civilizations(后面的内容我估计你没有敲完)...:技术工具的发展和人类对它们的使用已创建了现代文明
第3个回答  2011-09-28
certain后面的that perfaction is......从句是表语从句,意思是:需要确定/承认,完美是一个不可能的目标。

技术工具的发展和人类对它们的使用方式创造了现代文明,......... in which loneliness and increasing应该还没完事吧?
第4个回答  2011-09-28
第一句,前面It's 省略了。
第5个回答  2011-09-28
put them后面是主句,use后是个定语从句,to是put的介词,提前啦