“假设你叫李华 你的朋友Mike是名刚刚进入高三的学生 他最近烦恼 (离高考不远,压力大,晚上学习到很晚,

“假设你叫李华 你的朋友Mike是名刚刚进入高三的学生 他最近烦恼 (离高考不远,压力大,晚上学习到很晚,白天上课不能集中精力,身心疲惫,学习效率不高)给他写封信 提出的建议并说明理由
英语作文 急用急用急用急用急用急用急用急用急用 急急急急~~~~~ 正在考试要速度 谢谢了

第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-04
Dear Mike,
Thank for your letter.
Please don't worry to much, here are some exprience I would like to share with you. Firstly, diet. Choose those food which are good for your health and make you happy. Secondly, Mentality. Look the bright side on everything you face. Thirdly, Relax. You should learn how to relax appropriately. Finally, Seeking Help. Try to turn to the people you trust, discuss the problem you had.
I hope those 4 suggustions may help you.

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