丹尼尔 雷德克利弗的粉丝请进(有比我更详细的吗?)

英文名:Daniel Radcliffe
绰 号:Dan or Danny
生 日:1989.7.23
国 籍:英格兰
星 座:狮子座
发 色:深褐色
眼 睛:蓝色
宠 物:两只牧羊狗- Binka & Nugget
兴 趣:音乐、写作、表演、摄影、运动、wolves、艺术
爱 好:听音乐、PlayingPlaydtation、英式足球、运动、看WWF锦标赛、跑步、体操
最喜欢的电影:What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Apollo 13, 12 Angry Men, Shakespeare in Love, Moulin Rouge(红磨坊)
最喜欢的男演员:Tim Robbins, Anthony Hopkins, Ben Stiller, Tom Hanks, Robert DeNiro, Ed Harris
最喜欢的女演员:Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kate Hudson
最喜欢的电视节目:The Simpsons, Pokemon
最喜欢的乐队(组合)/歌手:Stereophonics, REM, U2
最喜欢的球队:Fulham FC

2002年11月15日 电影《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)饰哈里·波特
2001年11月04日 电影《哈利·波特之魔法石》(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)饰哈里·波特
2001年03月30日 电影《巴拿马裁缝》(The Tailor of Panama)饰杰米-李-科蒂斯与乔弗里-拉什的儿子
1999年08月02日 BBC电视台电视剧《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfeild)饰少年大卫·科波菲尔

第1个回答  2006-02-13
(1)[email protected]
(2)[email protected]
(3)[email protected]







个人档案:1989年7月23日出生与英国伦敦富尔汗姆(Fulham).小学时就有过演出经历,第一次登上银幕是在1999年,在根据狄更斯同名小说改编的电视剧大卫 科波菲尔(David Copperfield)中扮演幼年的大卫.两年后,又出演了由布鲁斯 皮尔斯南主演的巴拿马裁缝(The Tailor of Panama).同年被哈利波特的导演Chris Columbus选中作为第一部哈利波特的扮演者.随后又出演了第二部跟第三部并已经完成了第四部的拍摄.

喜欢搞些小恶作剧,有一次他偷偷修改了Robbie Coltrane(海格的扮演者)的移动电话 结果Robbie发现他的电话信息都变成了土耳其语.
8岁的时候曾试着第一次读哈利波特原著 结果没有完成 直到他成了哈利波特时才算读完.
2002年2月他获得英国Variety Club的最佳新进艺人提名并最终获得该奖项.
为了表彰他在哈利波特中的出色表现 2002年Variety Club颁个他James Carreras奖.
12 angry men(12怒汉)是他看过的第一部黑白电影也是目前为止最喜欢的一部.
他是Gary Oldman(阿兹卡班囚徒中Sirius Black的扮演者)的影迷并且也是英超球队富勒姆队的球迷.
会弹电吉他 正在学习贝司吉他.
第2个回答  2006-02-14
Biography for
Daniel Radcliffe

Birth name
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe


5' 7" (1.70 m)

Mini biography
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born on July 23rd, 1989 to Alan Radcliffe and Marcia Gresham. He began performing in small school productions as a young boy. Soon enough, he landed a role in David Copperfield (1999) (TV), as the young David Copperfield. A couple of years later, he landed a role as Mark Pendel in The Tailor of Panama (2001), the son of Harry and Louisa Pendel (Geoffrey Rush and Jamie Lee Curtis). Curtis had indeed pointed out to Daniel's mother that he could be Harry Potter himself. Soon afterwards, Daniel was cast as Harry Potter by director, Chris Columbus in the film that hit theaters in November 16, 2001, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001). He was recognized worldwide after this film was released. Pleasing audiences and critics everywhere, filming on its sequel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) commenced shortly afterwards. He appeared again as Harry in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) directed by Alfonso Cuarón, and then appeared in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) directed by Mike Newell. Shortly afterwards, he finished filming December Boys (2006) in Adelaide, Australia, Kangaroo Island, and Geelong, Australia which began on the 14th of November, 2005 and ended sometime in December. On January 27th, 2006, he attended the South Bank Awards Show to present the award for "Breakthrough Artist of the Year" to Billie Piper. Dan's set to reprise his famous character once again for the next installment of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), which filming begins sometime early in February 2006.

Now being one of the world's most recognizable people, Daniel leads a somewhat normal life. He has made friends working on the Harry Potter films, which include his co-stars Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. Hopefully, he will continue his blossoming acting career and be truly brilliant.


IMDb mini-biography by
The Schizo Wraith

Likes to play pranks. He took co-star Robbie Coltrane's cellular phone and changed it so all the messages were in Turkish.

Has two border terriers named Binka and Nugget.

Tried reading the first Harry Potter book when he was 8 years old, but was unable to finish it. Finally read the entire book when he was cast in the lead role of the film

Has never actually seen the film The Tailor of Panama (2001) in which he appeared.

His favorite book from the Harry Potter series so far is number three, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Although he loves to play Playstation, listen to music (some of his faves are The Stereophonics, R.E.M. and U2), and write, he's also very active and energetic. He loves to run and enjoys football (soccer) and other sports.

In February 2002, he was nominated for, and won "Best Newcomer" at the Variety Club 'Award' ceremonies.

Received the Sir James Carreras Award For Outstanding New Talent for his role in Harry Potter at The Variety Club Showbusiness Awards 2002.

Voted Person of the Year 2002 by Time Kids.

Has stated that 12 Angry Men (1957) is the first black & white film he ever saw and is also his favorite film.

He also named Jane's Addiction, Libertines, The, Rage Against the Machine and Darkness, The among his favourite bands.

David Heyman, the producer for the Harry Potter films happen to be at a play that both Dan and his father were at. After David spotted Dan's father, since both men knew each other, he was introduced to his son and when David saw Daniel he thought he looked perfect for the part. In fact, that night at the play, David couldn't help just staring at Dan because he though he was perfect to play Harry. Daniel auditioned for, and got the part that he is now most recognized for, Harry Potter.

He enjoys listening to the music of Blur, Muse, The Music , Zwan and Brendan Benson.

A February 23, 2004 article in British newspaper 'The Sun' listed him as Britain's third richest teenager behind only Prince Harry Windsor and Charlotte Church. He is said to be worth 5 million pounds.

Has earned 6 million pounds so far portraying Harry Potter, making him the second richest teenage in Britain behind Prince Harry Windsor's 14 million pounds. [2004]

Can rotate his arm at a 360 degree angle.

Is a big fan of Gary Oldman, his co-star in the latest film in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004).

A fan of Fulham Football Club.

He is a fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers and attended their London concert in June 2004.

Plays the bass guitar.

Some of his favorite music groups are Stratovarius (Finland), Huey Lewis and The News (USA), and Tom Robinson (England).

Favorite actors include Aishwarya Rai, Cameron Diaz, Scarlett Johansson and Ben Stiller.

He originally disliked the "Harry Potter" books when he first read them.

Especially like the music group the Sex Pistols. He also plays the bass guitar.

He is a fan of indie rock. Some of his favourite bands include: The Zutons, Razorlight, The Libertines, Bloc Party, Hope of the states, The Futureheads and Kaiser Chiefs.

Delays between filming the second and third Harry Potter movies were caused because his parents wanted him to be able to attend normal school for a while.

Says he doesn't read any articles or reviews about himself or his movies.

He supports Demelza House Children's Hospice, which is a charity that cares for terminally-ill children in the Kent, East Sussex and South London areas of Britain. Dan always asks his fans to donate to the charity every Christmas and on his birthday instead of sending him gifts. In the book, 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince', the author JK Rowling named the character Demelza Robins after the charity.

He likes the music of The Strokes, The Clash, and The Pixies.

Is studying English Literature, History, and Religion and Philosophy for his AS levels (English high school exams) as he entered 12th Year in September 2005.

Named Britain's richest teenager with an astounding 23 million pound fortune, after he signed on a 8 million pound deal to make the fifth movie of the Harry Potter series.


Personal quotes
After being cast as Harry Potter: "I think I'm a tiny bit like Harry 'cos I'd like to have an owl. Yeah, that's the tiny bit, actually."

"I don't know. People tell me I look mournful. They say, "Cheer up, Dan, it's not that bad!" Sometimes I just look into space, which freaks people out. If I was ever required to do anything other than look haunted, I could. I'm a happy person. Though I don't, like, dot my "I's" with hearts or anything - that would be too happy."

"I'm not much of a cake person."

"But I don't think it's going to happen. I don't think I'll do all of them - I'll probably get too spotty or too tall or I'll shrink or something."

"Absolutely. 100 percent." [on believing in magic]

"I was in the bath at the time, and my dad came running in and said, 'Guess who they want to play Harry Potter!?' and I started to cry. It was probably the best moment of my life."

"I'm not clumsy, I'm just accident prone."

Upon seeing the movie: "I'm a bit nervous about whether people will like it, but I've seen it, and I'm sure they will. It's really good - it's quite scary, it's quite emotional. Even I cried and I don't cry easily! I cried at the end credits when my name came up, and I was, like, Oh my God! I can't believe that's my name! I've met so many people since we started filming and it's been wonderful. I've progressed so far and changed so much since the beginning. It's been like a real journey."

On considering himself as a heartthrob: "Personally I can't see it, but if other people can, fine. Cool!"

"I would consider doing any part as long as the script is good and the film has an interesting director."

"I like them, but it's hard to concentrate when the bats fly about, and they pee while they fly." [about the bats on the set]

"I've never been one of the cool people at school, but then again, I don't get the people who are cool. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that they don't interest me."

"Too many little numbers on one page!" - about math

"Stage is much more intimidating than going before the cameras, because you can really screw up, and can't do a retake."

"When I go back to school everyone asks a lot of questions. Then, after about a week, when I've answered everything, we get back to normal."

"It's too far down the road to decide about a fifth movie. I'm still the same age Harry is, and I haven't actually grown that much."

"Fans are really important for me. And if they take pains to write me, it's the minimum that I answer myself."

"I think I'm highly normal. I'm attending school after acting, I'm going out with friends, going to the cinema - I'm just doing everything a normal teenager does. People think I can't leave the house without being in a crowd of fans - but that's not true. I'm able to do more things than people might think."

"I'm thrilled of the acceptance I get abroad. The people are so hearty, warm and grateful and I feel privileged having seen so many countries and some of the greatest monuments."

"When I get into trouble at school I'd like to take an invisibility cloak, drape it over me and sneak out the door. Or I'd like to have a 3 headed-dog because then no one would argue with me"

"I played a trick on the make-up department where I put a fake blood capsule in my mouth, pretended to trip on the stairs and let the blood come out of my mouth. They really fell for it, then they chased after me with a water pistol."

"Everyone on the set has a mobile phone, and I found by pushing a few buttons, they could be programmed into different languages. I fixed Robbie's (Coltrane) to speak in Turkish."

"I don't understand girls, but I'm slowly learning."

[on saying that he'll do all of the Harry Potter movies] "Ultimately it comes down to whether we're still enjoying it. If we are then I think we would be sort of stupid not to do them. As long as I'm doing other stuff around the same time, I think it'll be fine. Also, I sort of try to read the books when they come out impartially and not make up my mind, but the fact is when I was reading the sixth, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, there were bits in there where I was going, 'God, I would love to do that because it's so good.'"


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) $14,000,000
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) $3,000,000
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) $250,000


Where are they now
(May 2003) Currently filming in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

(April 2004) Filming "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

(March 2005) Completed filming of Goblet of Fire.

(November 2005) Working on 'December Boys' in Adelaide, Australia

(February 2006) Filming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).

