

第1个回答  2015-09-12
Towards refined language white emperor pink clouds between, great distance Jiangling on first also. The both banks ape sound cries without stopping, 轻舟 has crossed Wan Zhong Shan 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山

ON THE MOUNTAIN HOLIDAY THINKING OF MY BROTHERS IN SHANDONG All alone in a foreign land, I am twice as homesick on this day When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain, Each of them a branch-and my branch missing. 鹿柴 王维 空山不见人, 但闻人语响。 返景入深林, 复照青苔上。 DEER-PARK HERMITAGE Wang Wei There seems to be no one on the empty mountain.... And yet I think I hear a voice, Where sunlight, entering a grove, Shines back to me from the green moss. 竹里馆 王维 独坐幽篁里, 弹琴复长啸。 深林人不知, 明月来相照。 IN A RETREAT AMONG BAMBOOS Wang Wei Leaning alone in the close bamboos, I am playing my lute and humming a song Too softly for anyone to hear -- Except my comrade, the bright moon.