
废弃物处置是指最终处置(final dispoasl)或安全处置,是废弃物污染控制的末端环节,是解决废弃物的归宿问题。其方法包括海洋处置和陆地处置。


第1个回答  2007-07-14
Waste disposal is the final disposal or safe disposal process, it is the final step of pollution control, it's the core solution for processing wastes. Other processes are ocean disposal process and land disposal process

Ocean disposal process: ocean abandonment, incineration
Land disposal process: land cultivation, storage engineering, landfill, container filling.
第2个回答  2007-07-14
Waste disposal is the final disposal (final dispoasl) or safe disposal. Pollution control is the end link is to solve the problem of waste destination. Its methods including ocean disposal and land disposal. Ocean disposal : abstain from deep sea incineration; Land disposal : land farming, the storage project, the landfill, Sham Tseng reperfusion
第3个回答  2007-07-14
Garbage disposal means final disposal or safe disposal, is the end of garbage pollution management. It's to solve the end-result of the garbage. Its means include ocean disposal and earth disposal.

Ocean Disposal: Deep-ocean discard; On-sea Burning
Earth Disposal: Land cultivation; Project Storage; Land burying; Well perfusion本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2007-07-14
用 金山 词霸 在线翻译
第5个回答  2020-05-02