

第1个回答  2016-05-12

 Wash your bedding once a week with hot water.While this is not energy efficient, cold water will not kill dust mites.
1每周用热水(55度以上)洗一次床上用品(床单,被罩,枕套, 被子心,褥子心,枕头心)。这种方法虽然浪费能源,但是常温的水无法杀死螨虫。
Eucalyptus essential oils kill dust mites. Combine2 cups of distilled water, 5 drops of organic liquid soap and 30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, and spray it on your bed daily to keep the dust mites at bay.
2 尤加利树(又名:桉树)提取的精油可以杀死螨虫。调配比例:1×杯水,5×滴洗手液,30×滴尤加利树(桉树)提取的精油。把他们完全混合,然后每天用他们喷你的床上用品让螨虫陷入绝境。 (各大商场都有,牌子没所谓,可以去网上淘大瓶的外国货,比国产的便宜)
Purchase a dehumidifier.This will help regulate humidity which will make it less inhabitable for dust mites.
Purchase an organic, natural latex mattress.These mattresses fight dust mites andare free of fire retardants and synthetic chemicals, which are sprayed on most traditional mattresses. These are about double the cost, butwell worth it.
橡胶床垫。这种床垫是在普通的床垫上喷上一种特殊的化学合成物,这种床垫抗螨虫并且防火。 虽然价钱是普通床垫的两倍,但是这钱花的值得。
Purchase all-natural, untreated organic dust mite pillow and mattress covers. They are a small investment, and can help eliminate dust mites from your bedding.
Purchase an air mattress. Dust mites can’t inhabit this inexpensive bedding alternative.
Carpet is a breeding ground for dust mites, and the best option is to eliminate it from your home altogether. If you can’t do this, vacuum with a HEPA filter.
地毯是螨虫最爱之一。 最好是整个家里一起清理。如果不能实现,可以用HEPA过滤网的吸尘器
Dust with a damp cloth so it actually collects the dust mites instead of spreading them. Add a few drops of organic eucalyptus and wintergreen essential oils to the damp clothto kill the dust mites while you collect them.
Put items such as blankets, sheets, pillows andcurtains in a plastic bag in the freezer for 48 hours. This will kill the dust mites. Make sure you wash these items after they have been in the freezer to ensure the residue from the mites is gone.
把所有的东西都用塑料袋打包放冰箱里冷冻48小时(毯子,床单,枕头,窗帘)。这样会杀死螨虫。 要注意,冷冻后也要清洗一遍,这样会除掉螨虫的残留物(螨虫粪便,螨虫尸体等过敏源)
Dry your bedding in a hot dryer. This will kill any dust mites that lived through the washing cycle.
Consider throwing away pillows that are 6 months to 2 years old. Down pillows and comforters attract the most dust mites, and they cannot be cleaned conventionally to get rid of dust mites. After 2 years, your pillows' weight may be 10 to 15 percent dust mite waste.
Replace pillows and comforters with those that can be cleaned in a conventional washer and dried in a dryer.
考虑扔掉旧的枕头(6个月-2年)。 羽毛枕头被子和毛绒玩具不容易用水洗,又特别爱招螨虫。对于一个枕了2年的枕头,其重量的10%-15%都是螨虫的排泄物(过敏源)。把枕头和被子换成容易经常用水清洗,并且可以用衣物烘干机烘干的材质。
Cover your mattress, mattress pad and pillows with allergenic covers. If possible, use the plastic options, since dust mites cannot live in plastic, like they do in fabric.
Consider replacing old carpet with linoleum. Carpet is a breeding ground for dust mites, especially if you have pets.
Regularly steam clean your carpets. If possible, use water that is over 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius).
Brush your pets daily while you are outdoors. Use a stroke that is with the hair and also against the hair, to get rid of more pet dander.:
Wipe your pets' fur with a damp washcloth when they come in from outside. This will also remove pet dander that lands on carpets, bedding and furniture.
。Vacuum in areas that your pets like to frequent every day, if the dust mite problem is bad
Replace pet bedding regularly.
Keep your pets outside of your bedrooms. They will add to dust mite problems, since the number of people and animals that use a room will correlate with how big the dust mite population is.
Schedule a dust mite removal cleaning of mattresses every 3 to 6 months. Places that are humid and above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) on average will benefit the most.
Make sure that carpet cleaning includes an anti-dust mite chemical. These can be more expensive than regular carpet cleaning solutions, but they can kill large populations of dust mites in the carpet.
A simple way to prevent dust mites in your bedding is to place a waterproof, breathable protector on your mattress and pillows. These type of covers are machine washable. Wash them as often as you wash your sheets, which is best every weekend. Dust mites need food and water to survive. Keeping the protectors washed will keep them free of food for dust mites and the waterproof material keeps moisture out of the bed and pillows. These simple steps will prevent dust mites from congregating in your mattress.
