

第1个回答  2022-10-19

1. 一篇介绍餐厅的英语作文 100词作文

Hi, fellow food enthusiast, I have a good restuarant to introduce to you. This restuarant is called the Mao Kitchen. It is located at the West Street. The setting in the restuarant is cosy. The food is good and the price is reasonable. The services is excellent and the parking is easily available.If you do not know how to order for the food, always ask for the chef's reendations. The chef's reendation changes everyday.

Believe me, go and have a good meal there. Enjoy!!

2. 关于餐厅的 英语作文

Hotel (or hotels, hotels) is a major short-term acmodation for the tourists places, the hotel is usually in the provision of acmodation, while Hong occupants restaurant, swimming pool, or taking care of child care and other services. Some hotels also provide conference facilities to attract business meetings, interviews or press conferences and other activities. The hotel's banquet hall can hold weddings and dances and other activities. Hotel acmodation feature functions, catering functions, business functions, home functions, holiday functions And conferencing capabilities The role of the hotel are: 1. Tourists a base for touri *** activities 2. The creation of touri *** revenue 3. For the munity to create employment opportunities for 4. The promotion of social consumption patterns and the development of and changes in consumption structure 5. Stimulate the development of 6. Hotel Development level is the level of touri *** development and socio-economic and civilization level of mark 饭店 (或酒店,旅馆) 是一个主要为游客提供短期住宿的地方,酒店通常在提供住宿之余,亦为住客提供餐厅、游泳池、或照顾幼儿等服务。


饭店的功能有住宿功能、餐饮功能、商务功能、家居功能、度假功能 和会议功能 饭店的作用有: 1. 旅游者旅游活动的基地 2.创造旅游收入 3.为社会创造就业机会 4.促进社会消费方式和消费结构的发展和变化 5.带动其他行业发展 6.饭店发展水平是旅游业发展水平和社会经济与文明程度的标志。

3. 求一篇关于餐厅的英语作文


Nowadays, it seems that everyone is looking things up on the Inter before trying them. In years past, people simply tried out a new restaurant in order to find out if they liked it or not. Nowadays, however, more and more people look for a local restaurant review before trying out a new place in town, and the information that they find can make the difference in whether or not they choose to try a different restaurant.

How a Local Restaurant Review Can Help

If people find positive reviews about a restaurant when doing an Inter search, they will often decide to try the restaurant out. Not only can a positive local restaurant review make someone want to eat at the establishment, but it can also give them tips about what to order, what time to go and how to dress.

Because people like going into these places with a feeling of confidence that they know what is going on, a good local restaurant review can help to encourage someone who is on the fence about checking out a new place to give it a try.

How a Local Restaurant Review Can Hurt

Although local restaurant reviews can help restaurants to bring in business, they can also cause problems for business owners. A negative review that is left by an angry or unsatisfied customer can carry a lot of weight, and those who view review sites might not even notice all of the positive reviews that have been left if they see a review that is less than stellar.

Restaurant owners who notice negative reviews about their restaurant on the Inter should work quickly to prevent any loss of business. By hiring a pany like Reputation, these restaurant owners do not have to worry: Reputation will handle everything and will quickly and efficiently hide negative reviews.

4. 关于饭店,饭店英语的两篇英语作文

Hotel (or hotels, hotels) is a major short-term acmodation for the tourists places, the hotel is usually in the provision of acmodation, while Hong occupants restaurant, swimming pool, or taking care of child care and other services. Some hotels also provide conference facilities to attract business meetings, interviews or press conferences and other activities. The hotel's banquet hall can hold weddings and dances and other activities.

Hotel acmodation feature functions, catering functions, business functions, home functions, holiday functions

And conferencing capabilities

The role of the hotel are:

1. Tourists a base for touri *** activities

2. The creation of touri *** revenue

3. For the munity to create employment opportunities for

4. The promotion of social consumption patterns and the development of and changes in consumption structure

5. Stimulate the development of

6. Hotel Development level is the level of touri *** development and socio-economic and civilization level of mark

饭店 (或酒店,旅馆) 是一个主要为游客提供短期住宿的地方,酒店通常在提供住宿之余,亦为住客提供餐厅、游泳池、或照顾幼儿等服务。一些酒店亦提供会议设施,吸引商业机构举行会议、面试或记者会等活动。酒店的宴会厅则可举行婚礼及舞会等活动。




1. 旅游者旅游活动的基地






5. 【求助一篇英语作文,给食堂提建议的,内容如下Writing:Direction:

Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to plain about the food and service offered by the canteen. First of all, The quality and variety of our dish are need to be improved, We do not like to eat the same food every day, not matter how tasty it was, it will get unpalatable eventually. And take our nutrition into consideration, we really need a change of food on the menue, Second, the dish is a little pricy, we do hope the meals we have are delicious and with a little lower price.Last but not lest, the environment is to noisy, It will be great if the canteen can play some soft music while we eating. It is helpful both to our appetite and mood.Please pay attention to my suggestions.Best regards,David。

6. 关于介绍餐馆的英语作文

My Ideal Restaurant.First of all, it's local, within walking distance of my house. But not too near, I don't want to walk past it every time I pop out for a pint of milk, or see it every morning with its hair in curlers. Beeen 10 and 15 minutes walk is about right, so I can work up an appetite on the way, walk off the meal on the way back. Because I like a glass or three with my supper, it can't be somewhere you have to drive to.The owner should spend most of his/her time and energy on the premises, so it cannot be a chain. From Alfredo's in Essex Rd (now the excellent S&M) serving egg, sausage and chips, right up to Raymond Blanc at Le Manoir, there is no substitute for having your actual Patron sur les premises, keeping a beady eye.The reception must be good. That includes everything from appearing to be pleased to see you, to taking your dripping coat or showing you where you can hang it, having a table clean and ready – especially if you've booked - and bringing you a menu swiftly. I don't just go to a restaurant because I'm hungry – I go because I have an hour before my next appointment; want to sit down; get out of the rain; undertake some emergency grooming in the Ladies; talk to my friend; read my paper; write in my notebook; take my shoes off; have a pee or meet somebody. While in the joint, I want to be looked after.The toilets are spacious and clean, with mirrors to suit all heights, and real towels. Not paper (environmentally dodgy) not hot air (ditto and time consuming) proper towelling. There's sufficient space in the cubicles for me to change my clothes. If I want to.I don't care how fancy or basic it is, or whether the table is covered in a cloth or formica, in my ideal restaurant the table never shows evidence of previous meals. In a busy and popular place, where the table has just been vacated, of course I don't mind waiting for it to be cleared. But in a half empty restaurant, tables left uncleared for more than a few minutes is a Very Bad Sign, and so is a table that looks cleared, but turns out to have sticky bits of old tomato sauce or sugary drinks on the table, which get on my cuffs, my wrists and my nerves. Yes, World Café, Crouch End, London, I'm talking about you.My ideal restaurant bans *** okers, only uses white china, is generous with the napkins and makes no charge for iced water or bread on the table. Glassware and cutlery sparkle, tables do not wobble, background music is soft enough to allow conversation, staff are friendly and professional. Not too friendly, mind. I don't want to know their names or their life stories. I don't want them to touch me. I don't want them to sit down at the table with me and be my friend. In my ideal restaurant, the staff know the menu because they eat there themselves so are able to tell me what dishes are like and explain anything I don't understand. They take my order swiftly and cheerfully. They wear clean overalls or aprons, have clean fingernails and flat shoes, because they dart about a bit, you know, fetching and carrying.The food in my ideal restaurant (you wondered when I was getting to that, didn't you ?) is exactly as described on the menu. Hot food is piping, cold food is fridgy. Everything is fresh and made on the premises. The menu – which is never very long - features lots of fish, a good selection of vegetables, and some familiar surprises. I mean things like cabbage and welsh rarebit - traditional dishes which rarely appear on menus. There is no children's menu and pushchairs, buggies and prams are not allowed inside. Children themselves are wele, as long as they are prepared to eat real food and behave. Nothing is burned, or raw when it shouldn't be, and every plate arrives within15 minutes of ordering. My satisfaction is checked. Once. Beeen 2-5 minutes after I have started eating. After that I am left alone until I have finished eating. If I put my knife and fork down, but there is food left on my plate, the staff ask me if I have finished before whipping the plate away. They clear dishes within five minutes of finishing.While attending to my every whim, and laughing at all my jokes, staff in my ideal restaurant never fill my wine glass for me. They don't know who's driving so they keep their mitts off my Chateau de Plonk. They always ask me if I want dessert, and the dessert menu always includes something made with real, dark chocolate. They bring the bill soon after I ask for it, and always make it clear if service is included. They do not do that sneaky thing (yes Tas, The Cut, London, SE1, I have not fotten) of adding in the service charge then leaving the bill “open”.Of course my ideal restaurant 。

7. 一篇关于在餐厅的的英语作文

A:Can i help you,sir? Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

B:Tea, please.

A:Here's the meau.

B:Any special dishes?

A:i remend the shrimp and fish. They are the special dishes in our restaurant.

B:All right. And add a half done beef,please.

A:Ok.Would you like soup with seafood?

B:That's ok.

A:Thank u,sir. i am sorry that would you mind waiting for 15 mins.

B:Never mind.

8. 介绍餐馆的英语作文

Hi, fellow food enthusiast, I have a good restuarant to introduce to you. This restuarant is called the Mao Kitchen. It is located at the West Street. The setting in the restuarant is cosy. The food is good and the price is reasonable. The services is excellent and the parking is easily available.If you do not know how to order for the food, always ask for the chef's reendations. The chef's reendation changes everyday.

Believe me, go and have a good meal there. Enjoy!!