

第1个回答  2023-01-05






  第二, 学生应该对已经使用过的东西进行再利用。比如,买一个结实的可以使用一年的水杯而不是每天买一瓶瓶装矿泉水。最后,应该鼓励学生循环利用纸张、塑料、玻璃和纸板。



  As the world becomes increasing more populated, the issue of reducing waste has also become more important. While doing this at home may be easy, what can be done about this on campus?

  Firstly, students should remember to reduce waste by using on the things that he/she needs.

  Secondly, students should reuse the things that she/he has. For example, instead of buying a new plastic bottle of water every day, students can buy a sturdy water bottle that can be used for over a year. Finally, students should be encouraged to recycle their paper, plastic, glass and cardboard.

  In conclusion, reducing waste on campus can be achieved by reducing, reusing and recycling. By doing this, I believe each student can be a part of changing not only their campus, but also the world.



  那么失去后的感觉会使你明白拥有的宝贵。当你在黑暗中勾勒黎明的天空时, 才明白已从眼前过去的东方朝霞有多美丽; 当你人过中年时, 才明白年轻时代荒废了多少光阴; 当你默数浑浑噩噩的往日时, 才明白该干而没干的太多太多; 当你踊踊独行在人生路上时, 才明白曾经同行的幸福。如果认为一切都是自然的给予, 那么失去也将是必然的惩罚。


  You will realize the value of possessing something only after you lose it. When you imagine the feeble light of dawn in total darkness, you realize the beauty of morning sun light that has passed; you are already advanced in years before you wail over the time wasted when you were young; when you are silently counting the number of days idled away, you find that you have left so many things that should have been accomplished; and you will not see how valuable it is to have a companion in life until you find yourself struggling along all alone. If you take everything for granted, you are sure to lose it, a punishment that is inevitable.





  China’s "sharing economy" took off in 2016 with a 103-percent increase in transaction volume. It is predicted that China's sharing economy will account for more than 10 percent of the country’s GDP by 2020. In addition to the efficient usage of social idle resources it brings, sharing economy also makes all kinds of services more accessible. There are excellent sharing economy companies constantly emerging among fields of transportation, accommodation, education services, life service and tourism. Now, sharing economy becomes more of force in social services.






  New Year Greetings(Bai Nian)

  On the first day of the New Year or shortly thereafter, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and Gongxi (congratulations), wishing each other good luck, happiness during the new year. In Chinese villages, some villagers may have hundreds of relatives so they have to spend more than two weeks visiting their relatives.



  孩子简单。他们不爱钱, 不爱荣誉, 不爱大而漂亮的房子, 有人把他弄痛了, 哭过一场也什么都忘了。所以, 他们脑袋一碰枕头就能呼呼睡去, 拥有世界上最佳质量的睡眠。

  孩子好奇。孩子总在想一些东西, 也在思考一些东西。他们的大脑常常处于快乐的旋转之中。一朵奇特的云, 一片鲜见的树叶, 都会引发孩子许多的联想。同样的生活, 在孩子的眼里会呈现出我们发现不了的乐趣和快乐。


  Children are not sophisticated. They do not love money or reputation, or those big and magnificent houses. If they are hurt by someone, they cry it off. That is why they usually fall to sound sleep once their heads touch the pillow, and they enjoy the best-quality sleep in the world.

  Children arc always curious. They are always fancying and thinking, and their brain is always in a happy whirl. A strangely-shaped cloud, a rarely-seen leaf, all these will arouse endless associations from them. The same life, in children's eyes, will present pleasures and happiness which we grown-ups can never imagine.
