a. 今天的天气真好!(用how和what造两个感叹句)

a. 今天的天气真好!(用how和what造两个感叹句)
b. 他们是多么强壮的男生啊!(用how和what造两个感叹句)
c. 他不敢确定我们明天什么时间出发。(宾语从句)
d. 最近我爸爸发胖了,所以他要减肥。(weight)
e. 今天大家都到齐了吗?(不定代词)
f. 我知道上课时做笔记很重要。(非谓语动词做主语)
g. Mr. Han heard us singing and dancing in the classroom. (变被动语态)
h. They always see him run on the playground. (变被动语态)

第1个回答  2014-07-23
a How good today's weather is!
What good weather today's weather is!
b How strong the boys are!
What strong boys they are!
c He isn't sure when will we set off tomorrow.
d My father gains weight recently,so he needs to lose weight.
e Is everyone here?
f know that taking notes in the class is very important.
g We were heard singing and dancing in the classroom by Mr. Han.(dance怎么能被听见?!)
h He is alway seen running on the playground by them.
第2个回答  2014-07-23
a. How nice it is today!
What a nice day it is today!
b. How strong the boys are!
What strong boys they are!
c. He is not sure when we will leave tomorrow.
d. My dad becomes fat lately, so he is going to lose weight.
e. Is everybody here?
f. I know making notes in class is important.
g. We were heard singing and dancing in the classroom by Mr. Han.
h. He is always seen run on the playground by them.
第3个回答  2014-07-23
a. How good the weather is! / What a good weather it is!
b. How strong the boys are! / What strong boys they are!
c. He's not sure that when will we set out tomorrow.
d. My father wants to lose some weight as he's been fat these days.
e. Is everybody here today?
f. I know that taking notes during the lesson is quite important.
g. We were heard singing and dancing in the classroom by Mr. Han.
h. He is always seen by them running on the playground.本回答被提问者采纳