pls,all king of ppl ,pls,,,help me,i nid your me ,tel me wat can i do??

如何找到这首歌,对我很重要,是我男友最爱的,他现在。。。不在了,我维有听这歌不断回义我们的快了日子。。。。歌明是=write to the ocean....Pls,i need this song ,tel me when can i find it...I am Syeon,my boyfren death in accdent last week,i feel so sudden,wat can i do,i realy realy miss him,i scold him when he alive,i no take care him when he alive,nom i feel sad,why do it like tat/...............
Ya,pls ,got 1 more song,name= Hawaii 5.0,better tat can download wan,i try to forget him,but tat is too sudden...............

第1个回答  2008-09-12