第1个回答 2017-10-30
周瑜与诸葛亮不谋而合,定下火攻之策。为火烧曹军战船,老将黄盖行苦肉计,惨被棒疮;阚泽去曹营献诈降书,又遭到曹操恐吓。蒋干再次过江,周瑜安排江东隐居的凤雏先生庞统随之回曹营,巧授连环计,教曹操将战船全部连接。[1] 诸葛亮借机去七星坛祭风,实则逃离东吴,回到江夏,智算华容。三江口处,黄盖前往诈降。是夜东南风大起,曹操水寨一片火海,一夜之间,曹操83万大军所剩无几。逃命过程中又遭到赵云、张飞与关羽三次堵截。最终华容道关羽义释曹操,使得曹操逃至南郡。败阵的曹操,对郭嘉怀念不已。[1]
第2个回答 2016-01-11
Lights - S O H N
We weave in and out of consciousness alone
Til our bodies collide and keep us from getting cold
Skin pores open up and swallow each other whole
And the scars we collect connect and reverse the flow
And so it goes
And so it goes
Emotions in motions motion us to wars
And our last experience has served as swords
Each life that we take burns holes into the walls
Til the roof caves and we wash up on the shore
And so it goes
And so it goes
And so it goes
And so it goes
But there's a light
If you dare to believe it
It floods in and washes all away
Blood sweat and tears won't retrieve it
You just have to wait to receive
The light
If you dare to believe it
It floods in and washes all away
Blood sweat and tears won't retrieve it
You just have to wait to receive it
Blood sweat and tears won't retrieve it
You just have to wait to receive it
Blood sweat and tears won't retrieve it
You just have to wait to receive it本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答 2016-01-10
glad you came
第4个回答 2016-01-10
The Wanted - Glad You Came