

第1个回答  2014-05-06
三. 现在进行时
现在进行时: 表示说话正在进行的、发生的动作
通常在句子中有以下的词:now, look, listen, at present,at the moment 句子的结构如下: be am is
+ 动词 ing
如:1. I am listening to the music now. 2. The students are drawing pictures now. 3. Listen! She is singing . 4. Look! Mr Li is riding a bike. 特殊疑问句:What are you doing ? What is he / she / it doing? 一般疑问句:Are you cleaning the room now? Is she / he / it watching TV now ? 否定句: I am not playing football . She / He is not swimming now. 3. 动词现在分词构成:
1) 正常变化是在动词原型后加ing 如:
read----reading drink---drinking eat---eating 2) 以e结尾的动词,去掉e再加ing 如:
write ---writing make--- making ride---riding
3).重读闭音节( 只有一个元音字母,而其后跟有一个辅音字母时)要双写结尾的辅音字母再加ing sit---sitting swim--swimming put---putting run—running
1.Mr Liang (read) a book now. 2. The mouse (run) now.
3.. Look ! Amy and John (swim). 4. My sister (make) a kite in his room now. 5. Look! The bus (stop).
6. We (have) an English class now. 7. Listen! Someone is (come). 8. They (catch) insects now.

9. He (do) an experiment now. 10. They (collect) stamps now. 11. Look! My brother (dive) now. 12. Sue ( watch ) TV in the dining room. 13. The nurses (get ) off the bus. 14. Come on. They ( leave ) now. 15. It (eat) fish now.
16. My uncle (work) in the office now. 17. Where is your mother?
She (answer) the phone. 18. The doctors (swim) now. 二.选择填空:
1. What are you doing? I________.
A. eat B. can eat C. eating D. am eating 2. We are _________ books now.
A. reading B. am reading C. read D. to read 3. Our teacher is ________ a red sweater . A. putting on B. put on C. wears D. wear 4. That boy isn’t ________ the teacher .
A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listening to 5. It’s eight o’clock. Jimmy’s parents __________ TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch 6. My mother is _____ a cake _____ my birthday.
A. making to B. making for C. doing to D. doing for 7. They are _______ these books in the box. A. puts B. put C. to put D. putting 8. ____ you ___ the window? —Yes, I am.
A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning 三.用动词的适当形式填空:
1. What are you _________(do) now? I ___________(eat) bread.
2. It’s nine o’clock. My father_______________(work) in the office. 3. Look, the boy____________(put) the rubbish into the bin.
4. _______ he ________(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He_____(play). 5. Where is Mike? He___________(run) on the grass. 6. Listen, who____________(sing) in the music room? 四.句型转换:

1. They are cleaning the window.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________? 2. Tom is working.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________ ? 3. Jim is singing.(改为否定句)
_______________________________________. 4. Kate is dancing (对划线提问)
________________________________________? 5. She is sitting near the window(对划线提问) _________________________________________?
6. The students are playing basketball on the playground. (改为否定句) ———————————————————————
7.Mary is writing a letter to her pen pal. (对划线提问) _________________________________________?
8.I am riding a bike with my father. (改为否定句) _________________________________________
9. The students are swimming over there. (改为一般疑问句) _________________________________________? 10. My mother is cooking the meals. (对划线提问) _________________________________________? 四.
Be going to do结构表一般将来
1. Be going to do 结构中be 的形式: be am
is +going to + 动词原形
我们可以把Be going to 结构看作一个整体。
2. be going to do 结构表示打算/计划做。。。或根据某种现象推测某事将会发生。 We are going to have an exam next week.
The teachers are going to play football this afternoon. My little sister is going to dance at the party this evening. There are so many clouds in the sky. It is going to rain soon. 3. 句式的转换。
3-1 否定句 be 后面加not
My father isn’t going to retire neat month.

I am not going to spend a holiday in Shanghai. 3-2 一般疑问句,将be提前。 Is your father going to retire?
Are you going to spend a holiday in Shanghai? 3-3 肯定回答/否定回答 Yes,主语+be/No, 主语+be not. 3-4特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句
What are going to do tomorrow? Where is she going to have a holiday? When is my father going to retire? Who is going to have a party with us? 4.注意
Be going to 结构表示的是按计划或安排打算要做某事,所以以下情况不能用be going to do 结构来表达。 I am going to be 29 years old this year.(错误) It is going to be 2012 next year. (错误) It is going to be Monday tomorrow. (错误)
Be going to do和现在进行时综合练习 I.选择适当的词填空。
1.A: What is she_______(do)? B: She_________(cook)dinner in the kitchen now. 2. Listen! Who ___________(sing) ?
3 A: What_____they ______(do)? B: They____________(run)on the grass now. 4. Are they_______(fly)kites? Yes ,they are.
5.A:_____the girls______(catch)the butterflies? B: No, they aren't. They______(pick)up leaves. 6. Bob _________(swim)in the pool now. 7. They are_________(make) a snowman.
8. The boys ___________(take) pictures in the garden now.
9. It's 12:00,the students ______________(have) lunch in the canteen now. 10.My father_________(wash) his car outside now.
11. A:________your brothers ________(play) computer games now? B: Yes,they are. 12. I like_______(dive) and__________(swim).
14.Look! The kangaroo_________(jump) , the panda___________(sleep),the monkeys__________(eat)bananas.
III Choose the right answers.选择答案。

-I am going ____ my grandmother and grandfather. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting
( ) 2.What ____ you want to be? A. are B. does C. do ( )3. _ _________________________________________________ _ I’m going to the science museum.
A. What are you going to do this afternoon? B. What are you doing? ( )4. _ _________________________________________________ _ On foot.
A Do you go to school by everyday?
B How do you go to school every day, Helen?
( )5.. _ _________________________________________________ _ I usually read books.
A. What are you doing? B What do you do in the evening? IV Choose the right words.选择填空
when what where how what time which who
-______________ are you going? - I am going to the Great Wall.
-_____________ are they going to school? -They go to school by school bus. -_____________ are you going to the museum? –Tomorrow afternoon. -_____________ are we going to buy? –We are going to buy some fruit. -_____________ is she going with? –She is going to Beijing with her mum. V.用提示词回答问题。
1.Where are you going this evening?(the cinema)
2.When are you going to take a trip?(tomorrow)
3.How are you going to the US?(plane)