
With triumphant roars, the battering ram broke through the gates, and the retreating soldiers turned to defend themselves from the Tridexes that poured through the hole. Janelle panicked, not knowing what to do, but someone grabbed her arm and hauled her towards a group of about ten archers, who were forming a line against the inner wall. She took her place at the leftmost end of the row, and resumed shooting at the Tridexes. They couldn't keep this up for long, though, since the squires were no longer there to run arrows for them. Janelle fought the urge to flee as she saw a Tridex kill three archers who had run out of arrows, before it was brought down by a Tremedardian swordsman.

Jorryn, Darian, and a few other men, fighting on horseback, were being circled by a thick wall of Tridexes. They must recognise Jorryn, she thought. No doubt the enemy commanders had promised hefty rewards to the Tridex who could bring back the Prince's head. For each one that fell, two more pressed in to take its place. The castle guard were trying to hack their way through to get to their prince, but it was slow going as more and more Tridexes entered through the hole in the gates.

Janelle stifled a scream of horror as she suddenly caught sight of Roland, over to her left, being attacked by five Tridexes at once. He still had an empty quiver on his back, but had lost his bow, and was now fighting with a sword in one hand and a shield in another. Without hesitation she changed position, and took aim his attackers. Her first arrow missed as the Tridex ducked to avoid a blow from Roland's sword, but her second one found its mark in its neck. The third arrow hit another Tridex in its leg, and Roland managed to dispatch it with his sword as it fell to its knees.

She heard a cry from her right turned her head, just in time to see a Tridex pulling its sword out of the archer standing next to her. She screamed and backed away as it turned towards her, but before it could swing its sword at her, it was gutted by Tremedardian soldier from behind. Before she could thank him, though, he retrieved his spear and charged back into the midst of the battle.

Turning back towards Roland, she saw that he had managed to kill another Tridex and was now battling the remaining two. She reached for another arrow, and realised with a shock that it was her last one. Carefully, she took aim and fired. One of the two fell, and Roland turned to concentrate on the last one, not noticing another Tridex coming up behind him with a spear.

第1个回答  2008-07-18
胜利的吼声,攻城槌打破了门,并且撤退的战士转动保护自己从通过孔倾吐的Tridexes。 Janelle恐慌了,不知道怎样做,但是某人劫掠了她的胳膊并且拖拉了她往一个小组大约十个射手,形成线对内在墙壁。 她采取了她的地方在行的最左的结尾,并且恢复了射击在Tridexes。 因为大地主不再将那里跑他们的,箭头他们不可能为长期保持此,虽然。 Janelle与敦促出逃战斗,当她看见了用尽了箭头的Tridex杀害三射手,在它由Tremedardian剑客之前减少。

Jorryn, Darian和一些个其他人,在马背上战斗,由Tridexes厚实的墙壁盘旋。 他们必须认可Jorryn,她认为。 疑义敌对司令员未许诺重的奖励对可能带回王子的头的Tridex。 为下跌的每一个,被压入的二采取它的地方。 城堡卫兵设法乱砍他们的方式通过有他们的王子,但是它是缓慢越来越去作为通过在门的孔被输入的Tridexes。
当她突然瞥见了Roland,到她的左边,立即,被攻击由五Tridexes Janelle抑止了恐怖尖叫。 他仍然要回在他的空的颤抖,但是丢失了他的弓和现在战斗与在一只手和盾的一把剑在别的。 毫不犹豫地她改变了立场,并且瞄准了他的攻击者。 作为Tridex丢失的她的第一个箭头低头避免从Roland的剑的吹动,但是她第二个发现了它的在它的脖子的标记。 第三个箭头击中了在它的腿的另一Tridex,并且Roland设法派遣它与他的剑,当它落对它的膝盖。

She听见从她的权利的啼声转动她的头,及时看Tridex拉它的剑从站立在她旁边的射手里面。 她尖叫了并且支持作为它转动了往她,但是,在它可能摇摆它的剑在她之前,它由Tremedardian战士毁坏从后面。 在她可能感谢他之前,虽然,他检索了他的矛并且充电回到争斗的中间。

Turning支持往Roland,她看见他设法杀害另一Tridex和现在作战保持的二。 她为另一个箭头到达了和意识到与震动它是她前一个。 小心地,她瞄准了并且射击了。 之一二下跌,并且Roland转动集中最后一个,不注意另一Tridex过来在他之后有矛的。

与胜利注重成果的年度报告,殴打的RAM ,冲破闸门,以及撤退的士兵拒绝为自己辩护,从tridexes认为,倾注了通过孔。 janelle惊惶失措,不知道要做些什么,但有人抓住她的手臂,并拉她对一组约10的弓箭手,谁被形成一条线对内壁。她带着她的地方,在最左边的底行,并恢复射击在tridexes 。他们无法跟上,这为长期的,虽然,自从乡绅不再有运行箭头为他们。 janelle战斗促请逃离,因为她看到tridex杀死谁三弓箭已一发不可收拾箭头之前,被击落由tremedardian剑客。

jorryn , darian ,和其他几个男子,战斗在马背上,被圈了厚厚的墙tridexes 。他们必须明白, jorryn ,她的思想。毫无疑问,敌人的指挥官已承诺大幅奖励tridex向谁可以带回王子的头。为每一个下降,两个更多的压力,在考虑它的位置。城堡员试图入侵的方式,通过他们去他们的王子,但它是缓慢的持续,随着越来越多的tridexes进入,通过孔的闸门。

janelle扼杀了一尖叫,恐怖,因为她突然被忽视的罗兰,向她的左肩上,被攻击的5 tridexes一次。他还有一个空的颤抖,他回,但已失去他的弓,并正争取与剑在一方面和盾牌,在另一个。她毫不迟疑地改变了立场,并采取了目的,他的攻击。她的第一箭未能射中作为tridex回避,以避免打击从罗兰的剑,但她的第二个一发现其商标在其脖子上。第三箭撞向另tridex在其腿部,和Roland管理,派遣与他的剑,因为它下跌到膝盖。


回头对罗兰,她看到,他已设法杀死另一tridex ,并正争夺余下的两个。她所达成的另一箭头,变现与休克这是她的最后一个。小心,她的目标,并发射了。其中两个下降,和Roland转而集中于最后一个,没有看到另一tridex来了他身后的一个矛。
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感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 与胜利注重成果的年度报告,殴打的RAM ,冲破闸门,以及撤退的士兵拒绝为自己辩护,从tridexes认为,倾注了通过孔。 janelle惊惶失措,不知道要做些什么,但有人抓住她的手臂,并拉她对一组约10的弓箭手,谁被形成一条线对内壁。她带着她的地方,在最左边的底行,并恢复射击在tridexes 。他们无法跟上,这为长期的,虽然,自从乡绅不再有运行箭头为他们。 janelle战斗促请逃离,因为她看到tridex杀死谁三弓箭已一发不可收拾箭头之前,被击落由tremedardian剑客。 <br> <br> jorryn , darian ,和其他几个男子,战斗在马背上,被圈了厚厚的墙tridexes 。他们必须明白, jorryn ,她的思想。毫无疑问,敌人的指挥官已承诺大幅奖励tridex向谁可以带回王子的头。为每一个下降,两个更多的压力,在考虑它的位置。城堡员试图入侵的方式,通过他们去他们的王子,但它是缓慢的持续,随着越来越多的tridexes进入,通过孔的闸门。 <br> <br> janelle扼杀了一尖叫,恐怖,因为她突然被忽视的罗兰,向她的左肩上,被攻击的5 tridexes一次。他还有一个空的颤抖,他回,但已失去他的弓,并正争取与剑在一方面和盾牌,在另一个。她毫不迟疑地改变了立场,并采取了目的,他的攻击。她的第一箭未能射中作为tridex回避,以避免打击从罗兰的剑,但她的第二个一发现其商标在其脖子上。第三箭撞向另tridex在其腿部,和Roland管理,派遣与他的剑,因为它下跌到膝盖。 <br> <br>她听到从她哭的权利,把她的头,只是在时间看到一个tridex拉动其剑出于对阿彻站在旁边的她。她尖叫和后退,因为它转向她,但才可以摆动,其剑在她的,这是烧毁由tremedardian士兵从背后。之前,她可以感谢他,虽然他发音,他的矛和被控回复到正处于战斗。 <br> <br>回头对罗兰,她看到,他已设法杀死另一tridex ,并正争夺余下的两个。她所达成的另一箭头,变现与休克这是她的最后一个。小心,她的目标,并发射了。其中两个下降,和Roland转而集中于最后一个,没有看到另一tridex来了他身后的一个矛。