

第1个回答  2013-10-19
1. system 2. awful 3. encouragement 4. boring 5. disappointed
6. 1. The number of students in our school is as much as theirs 2. Our class was divided into several groups 3. What impressed me most is his smiles 4. Please give us a description of your school. 5. If you move your home, please tell me your new address.
7. 1. 既然在生活中人人都会犯错误,你应该给他一个机会。 2。 天开始亮了,因为鸟儿在唱歌。 3。 女孩开始哭了,因为她不能(hei是错误的单词,而且没有动词)她妈妈 4。 由于天黑了,我不得不回家。
8. 1. such...that 2. so...that
9. 1. He turned up the radio so that everyone could hear the news. 2. With the teacher's help, she made great progress in study. 3. Please be quiet. The exam is going on.