

从周一到周五/在周末/在操场上/在花园里/在门后/在床下/在那儿2只盒子的中间/在冰箱旁/在课桌前面/非常兴奋/紧挨着我/在1堂体育课上/乘出租车去超市/值日/当然 可以(2种)/什么形状/在黑板上写/打开你们的书

第1个回答  2007-05-06
一把漂亮的扇子 a beautiful fan
一个阅览室 a reading room
一本有趣的书 an interesting book
那些大西瓜 those big watermelons
一双新鞋子 a pair of new shoes
一些年轻的女服务员 some young waitresses
一玻璃杯橘子汁 a glass of orange juice
一听鸡肉 a tin of chicken
几公斤 several kilograms

他门的职业 their vocations
谁的新夹克衫 whose new jacket
大眼睛的男孩 a boy with big eyes
穿白色短裙的女孩 the girl in white skirt
又大又明亮 big and bright
6:30,两种方式 two ways
在7:05,两个方式 two methods
在9:45,2个表达方式 two expression ways
第2个回答  2007-05-06
A beautiful fan / a reading room / one interesting book / big watermelon / new pair of shoes / young stewardess Treasury / a glass juice / a chicken / a few kilograms

Their jobs / Who's the new jacket / boy with big eyes / wear white skirts of girls / are big and bright /6:30. both / in 7:05, two way / in 9:45,2-expression /

从周一到周五/在周末/在操场上/在花园里/在门后/在床下/在那儿2只盒子的中间/在冰箱旁/在课桌前面/非常兴奋/紧挨着我/在1堂体育课上/乘出租车去超市/值日/当然 可以(2种)/什么形状/在黑板上写/打开你们的书
From Monday to Friday / weekend / the playground / in the gardens / the door / in bed / in the box where two intermediate / in the fridge next to / in front desks / very excited / proximity to I / PE in a secondary / taxi to supermarket / Duty / Certainly (2) / What shape / write on the blackboard / you open the book

第3个回答  2007-05-06
a beautiful fan/a reading-room/an interesting book/those big watermalon/a pair of new shoes/some young waitress/a glass of orange juice/a tin of chickens/several kilograms

Their occupation/whose new jacket/a boy with big eyes/a girl with white skirt/Also greatly also is bright/six thirty, half past six/seven five,five past seven/a quarter to nine,nine forty-five
第4个回答  2007-05-06
a Attractive fan/a reading room/a interesting book/these big watermelon/a new shoe/some young waitress/a drinking glass orange juice/a tin of chicken/several kilograms