
At first I tried not to cry, and tried to defend myself against their diatribe, tried to tell them when they asked. “But whatever possessed you to do such a terrible thing?” But whatever I said seemed to make them more angry and they became so soured by their own shame that they slapped my stinging buttocks for personal revenge as much as for any rehabilitative purposes. “I’ll never be able to lift my head on this street again!” my mother cried, and it struck me then, as it still does now, as a marvelous turn of phrase. I thought about her head on the street as she hit me, and wondered what Celia ‘s head looked like, and if I had dented it at all.
Celia hadn’t died, of course. She’d been half—dragged home by the heroic others, and given pills. And attention and love, and the doctor had come to look at her head but she didn’t have so much as a bruise. She had a dirty hat, and a bad case of hiccups all night, but she survived.
Celia forgave me, all too soon. Within weeks her mother allowed her to walk back and forth to school with me again. But, in all the years before she finally died at seventeen, I was never able to forgive her. She made me discover a darkness far more frightening than the echoing culvert, far more enduring than her smooth, pink face.

第1个回答  2007-04-28
起初,我试图不哭,并试图对他们的谩骂为自己辩护, 试图当他们问的时候告诉他们真相。"是什么促使你去做这样一件可怕的事情"? 无论我怎样解释,他们变得更加愤怒 他们因为自己的耻辱感而大发脾气,他们为了任何想要恢复的目的为了个人报复来打我屁股. “我再也无法在这条街上抬起头了!” 妈妈哭喊着,而我为此感到惊讶,直到现在还是这样。作为一个奇妙的措词. 当她打我的时候我想象她的头在街上, 想像celia's的头看起来像谁,假如这一切没有发生过.

celia没有死,当然. 她被那些英武的人半拖回家,并给了药. 还有关怀和爱心, 医生曾经来看看她的头,但她的伤没有那么重. 她有一个肮脏的帽子,一打嗝就会打一夜,但她得以幸存.

celia原谅了我,一切都来得太早. 几周后她妈妈允许她和我一起上学. 但是,多年后直到她最终在17岁那年死去我都从来没能原谅过她. 她使我发现一个比黑暗更可怕彼此遥相呼应的黑洞,比她光滑粉红色的脸更加持久.本回答被提问者采纳