
Taking into account all the foregoing evidence, I will assert now, unequivocally, that what has been found in the archaeological record and used by experimentalists must be dismissed as grossly inadequate to the task of producing the marvelous artifacts of ancient Egypt. What, however, do we replace them with? How were the Ramses statues crafted? How much time would it take a sculptor to create the 1,000ton Colossi of Memnon? Or the 1,000-ton Ramses at the Ramesseum? Or the four colossal seated statues at Luxor? Appearing on the base of the Ramesseum Ramses is a verse by the Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus: "King of Kings am I, Osymandias. If anyone would know how great I am and where I lie, let him surpass one of my works."

第1个回答  2011-03-06
一个雕塑家要花费多少时间来完成1000 吨的门农巨像(Colossi of Memnon)?
一段诗节出现在拉美西斯神殿中拉美西斯像底座上,诗由希腊历史学家所做,这位历史学家叫狄奥多罗斯(Diodorus Siculus),诗节的内容是:“我是王中之王者,Osymandias。假若有谁能够明白我的伟大并知晓我的所在,那就让他超越我的作品之一吧。“

PS:Osymandias我也不太了解- -….貌似是守望者之一…居无定所…还自诩救世主本回答被提问者采纳