
Figure 5-1 Melanie: Site plan showsramp up 8 ft to main level.
Figure 5-2 Melanie: Plan showskitchen open to living space and activity areas, and absence of hallways.

The Challenge
My new home would need to accommodate my growingcollections of antiques. It would also need to provide for my housemate,Madeline, and our huge dog. Dinner parties are frequent events for us, and Iadore cooking and being with guests. The development of my kitchen was drivennot only by my physical limitations but by my determination to do what I loveto do. Since Madeline shares the kitchen, we had to find ways to meet the needsof two physically different individuals.

Process and Solutions
Once I Found the right property, a lengthy process ofadaptation began. It took 3 months to design the changes necessary and another6 to actually do the renovations.
My team consistedof an architect with no special training in accessible design(to avoidinstitutional influences), an interior designer, and me. The architect was myfacilitator, letting me know if the changes I wanted were do-able. Knowing whatI didn’t want was as important as knowing what I did want. I needed newsolutions to old problems if my home was to provide me the lifestyle Isought-gracious, independent, and accommodating to friends (and dogs!).
帮我翻译一下 语言通顺一点 如果能文采好一点 就更好了 跪谢。。!
不要 用 翻译软件翻译的 要人工!!!!!!!!谢谢了 跪谢!!!!!!!!!!!

第1个回答  2015-03-03

我的新家需要能容纳我越来越多的古玩,同时也必须能满足我的室友,MADELINE 还有我们那只大狗。 晚宴是我们这群人的周期性活动,当然少不了美味的食物和共聚的欢声笑语。改善我的厨房不仅是我的客观需要,更是源于我的率性,做自己想做的事情。自从MADELINE跟我们共用厨房,我们不得不寻找一个能同时满足不同生活方式的两个人的解决办法。

当我找到合适的房子,一个长远的改变计划开始了。 我们花了3个月的时间去策划那些需要改变的东西,并花了6个月的时间去实现那些创新的点子。

我们的团队中有一个非专业的建筑师(防止设计受个人影响),一个室内设计师,和我。建筑师是我强大的助手,让我明白哪些创意是可行的。让我明白有些我之前不想要的却是非常重要并实用的东西。 我需要新的解决办法来改变一些老问题,这样我的家才可以给我舒适,独立并受朋友和我那只大狗欢迎。