

第1个回答  2022-11-08


Let’s talk的Sonia老师整理出了8组片语,告诉大家如何表达「我改变心意了」,并举出了例句进一步说明不同状况下的用法。快来看看这些实用的片语及例句吧!

1. I changed my mind – 我改变主意了

ex. I was going to buy a car, but then I changed my mind and decided to buy a bike instead. 我本来要买一辆车,但后来我改变主意,决定买一台脚踏车。

2. I’ve had a change of heart – 我回心转意了


ex. We were told that we had to work on Christmas Eve, but then our boss had a change of heart and gave us the day off. 我们被告知必须要在圣诞节前夕工作。但随后老板回心转意了,放我们一天假。

3. Hang on a minute/ second – 让我考虑一下

ex. Hang on a minute. I don’t want a pizza. I’ll order some pasta today. 让我考虑一下。我不要披萨,我今天想点一些义大利面。

4. On second thought – 另外一个提议

ex. On second thought, let’s go to the park instead of the mall. 另一个方案,我们不要去购物中心,改去公园。

5. After further consideration – 经过进一步考虑

ex. We appreciate your efforts, but after further consideration, we have decided to stop the project work. 我们很感谢您的努力,但进过进一步考量,我们决定停止这个计划的运作。

6. He convinced me/ persuaded me – 他说服我

ex. I wanted to travel to Malaysia but Dino convinced me that Australia would be a better place to visit. 我想去马来西亚旅行,但Dino说服我澳大利亚是一个更值得参观的地方。

7. I’m not sure what I was thinking – 真不知道我当时在想什么

ex. I don’t have the money to travel abroad, I don’t what I was thinking when I agreed to join you on a vacation. 我没钱出国旅行,真不知道我答应跟你一起度假的时候在想什么。

8. I did a 180 – 我有了一百八十度的大转变

I used to think swimmers are show offs but after my accident in the pool, I did a 180. 我以前总认为游泳者都是在炫技。但自从我在泳池中的意外后,我的想法有了一百八十度的大转变。


Hang on a minute, I’ve had a change of heart, 一百八十度大转变 英文, 回心转意 英文, 改变主意 英文, 改变心意 英文, 改变决定 英文, 考虑一下 英文, 进一步考虑 英文