英文文法唔明...要好详细既解释~!~!~! 10


第1个回答  2022-11-13
(1)halves (i)I can not believe (by halves / partially); either I have faith
or I have it not. wi (ii) I will have three cookies that have been cut into (halves / o equal parts). (2) The farm breeds a wide range of poultry. 这个农场饲养各种家禽。 The cattle are in the shed. 这牛在栏内。 (3) -month-old (构成名词)表示"...个月的的婴儿" a five-month-old: 一个五个月的的婴儿 2 five-month-olds: 一个五个月的的婴儿 She has a five-month-old.她有一个五个月的婴儿。 -year-old(构成名词)表示"...岁的人" A ski school for 3-to 6-year-olds
… 一所为三到六岁儿童举办的滑雪学校
… 2010-01-24 15:28:30 补充: thirteen-years-old呢? it should be "thirteen years old" 2010-01-24 15:52:32 补充: the poor : 穷人(plural 复数
名词) so
we use “The poor are…” e.g. The adjective (形容词)words“of the poor” in this sentence
“The policy (of the poor) is …”
describe “The policy”
so it actually me “The policy is…” 2010-01-24 16:00:44 补充: Television = 电视业
电视广播 Television is an enormously petitive business. 电视业是一个竞争性极强的行业。 the television : 这部电视机 a television : 一部电视机 She set the television to the Midnight News. 她将电视机调到午夜新闻档。 2010-01-24 17:52:00 补充: one-quarter(数量) of a(无关数量
任何一秒) second is 1000/4 = 250 milliseconds(毫秒)! you re one(数量) of a(无关数量
任何一类) kind for me. Add one-third(数量) of a(无关数量
任何一数目) number to its one fourth. 1/3 x + 1/4 x One(数量) of a(无关数量
任何一收集品) collection of Japanese domestic utensils… 2010-01-24 18:04:15 补充: On Monday
they failed three times
but they have decided to try the forth time. 他们失败了3次
决定尝试第4次。 On Tuesday
they failed four times
but they have decided to try the fifth time. 他们失败了4次
决定尝试第5次。 On Wednesday
they failed five times
but they have decided to try the sixth time. 他们失败了5次
决定尝试第6次。 2010-01-24 18:19:45 补充: You can use “Most” or “Most of “ but no “The most”. the most : 最多 Which of you has made (the most) mistakes?你们当中谁错得(最多)? Most: 多数的 (Most) birds can fly.(多数)的鸟会飞。 most of : …当中大多数 Of course (most of) them don't agree with his opinion.当然
他们(当中大多数)人都不同意他的意见。 2010-01-24 18:20:40 补充: a lei feng ?? a lei frng ?? 2010-01-25 00:34:06 补充: The little boy wishes to be a policeman. "policeman" is a single object(受词). so we use "a policeman" except "The little boys wish to be policemen." e.g. I put on a hat. / We put on hats. Mary has a cat. / They have cats. Peter owns a flat. / They own flats. 2010-01-26 16:53:39 补充: (1)halves (i)by halves =partially e.g. I can not believe (by halves ); either I have faith
or I have it not. (ii)halves = o equal parts e.g. I will have three cookies that have been cut into (halves ).
One tenth of a thousand isa hundred 点解系a thousand 面唔系 one thousand ? 文法有时系冇得讲...... they filed six times
but they have decided to try the seventh time 点解系 the seventh time 而唔系 seven times ?? the seventh time系只第7次;seven times 系只7次!! Most of the students have studied English in our school.点解系most of the students 面唔系the most students ?? Most of the students 系只大部分
the most students系只最多students!! The Smiths are watching the TV at home 点解要系TV 前面加the?? 部TV系指定的
因为系得一个!! thirteen-year-olds enjoy listening to popular music. 点解唔系thirteen-years-old 我见有时d人会用thirteen-years-old系咩情况下会用thirteen-years-old呢????? 我味见过thirteen-year-olds.........(一定系thirteen years old) the poor are not always happy the poor are not always happy 点解唔系is not always 我见有时d人会用is not always 系咩情况下会用is not always 呢????? 冇得数的
就要用is(The bread is delicious) the little boy wishes to be a lei feng 点解系 a lei frng 而唔系lei feng 用中文SAY
(我想做警察) (我想做一个警察) 第二句流利
(I want to be a cook)
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