

第1个回答  2008-08-10
1. 肯定得到
You are assured of a warm welcome at this hotel (你 在这家旅馆肯定会受到热情欢迎)

2. 动词 :使调节焦距
In this scene,the camera focuses on the actor's face.(在这个镜头中,摄影机对准演员的脸部)
名词 : 中心点 ,指人或事物
We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer .(我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要)

3. 制造. 做 .组装
The grapes are made into wine (葡萄用来做酒)
It’s easy to make out a cheque .(开支票很容易)

4 覆盖
Much of the country is covered with snow. (这个国家大部分都被雪覆盖了)
撒上 ,溅上,
The players were soon covered in mud . 那些运动员很快就浑身溅满了泥

5 邀请 ,要求 (某人讲话等) ,恭请
I now call upon the chaireman to address the meeting .( 现在请主席向大会致辞)
I feel called upon to warn you that ….(我觉得我应该警告你….)

6 让他流露真感情

7 (对两事物的选择)要么 ….要么,不是….就….
I think she either English or Polish .我想她不是英国人就是波兰人

8 (查不到这个用法)

9两人 ,两件事物 I saw a couple of men get out (我看见两个男人出去了)
几个人 ,几件事物 I’ve seen her a couple of times before .(我以前见过她几次)

10 离开(尤指去做某事)
She went off to get a drink (她拿饮料去了)
Her books haver gone off in recent years. (她近年写的书质量下降了)

11 避免,防止
I’ve been avoiding getting down to work all day . (我一整天都刻意不投入工作)
You should avoid mentioning his divorce (你应该避免提及他离婚的事)

12 舒服地坐下 ,或躺下
I settled down with a book .(我手拿一本书,舒舒服服地坐下)
When are you going to get marride and settle down? (你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?)

13 阻止 ,妨碍 ,停止
You can’t stop people saying what they think.(人们怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了)
He stop talking ,(他停止了谈话)

14 注意听/ 看
I tried not to draw attention to the weakpionts in my argument.(我尽量使人不察觉到我论证中的软肋)

15 尽力
I don’t really feel like going out , but I am glad I made the effort . (我当时并不想出去,不过我很庆幸还是出去了)

16 (查不到)

17 碰巧做 ,恰巧是
She happened to be out when we called .(我们打电话时她刚巧不在)
You don’t happen to know his name,do you ? (你不会那么巧知道他的名字吧?)
第2个回答  2007-06-10
1That is the way it is.事情就是这样。
3 I am eager to marry her.我真的很想和她结婚
4 Did you enjoy youself travelling to Xiamen? 你去厦门玩的开心吗
5 Don't make me to do that, I hate it. 别让我去做,我讨厌这事。
第3个回答  2010-07-20
It's necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.拥有健康的饮食习惯对我们来说很必要
It's important for us to protect the environment.保护环境对我们来说很重要
第4个回答  2007-06-10
1 One of the way is to repair. 其中一种方法就是去修。
2 She came here,with running. 她是跑着来的。
3 You are eager to win,aren't you? 你很想赢,不是吗?
4 Enjoy yourself studying in the school. 在学校学得开心点!
5 Make yourself at home. 随便点,像在自己家一样!
6 ???
第5个回答  2010-07-19
It’s hard for the little children to get the top of the tree
It’s good for you to drink milk every night
It’s good for you to prepare the exams in advance
It’s dangerous for John to play on the road
It’s benefit for the company to get the material at a low price
It’s bad for Jackson to tell lies
It’s painful for him to get cold
It’s helpful for you to read the book tonight for tomorrow's class
It’s excited for me to visit the museum
It’s surprised for me to get the gift