

第1个回答  2011-02-12
有效的家庭沟通. 可以通过邮件, 写信 在小黑板留言等方式 进行 重点是注意语气

自己组织一下语言, 然后翻译把
第2个回答  2011-02-16
Dear friend,

I have been at home for a month now since the holiday began. I had thought things would be very good, but the reality is quite different from my imagination!

I am very quick-tempered, but my father is very low. When we two stay together, I often feel too impatient, while he is very happy with his own business. And my mother? She is even quick-tempered tham me! When I stay with my mother, we often have gigs too. So at home I often become the target of their common "attack"!

I know it's wrong for me to speak like that with them, because I know they love me and I love them, too. But when I am angry, I would inevitably say something that would hurt their feelings. In fact, each quarrel is just about some trifles. I often feel regretful afterwards, but somehow I just couldn't control myself at that time. Maybe I really should change my bad temper!

Yes, I'll change myself! I wish my parents happy everyday!

Thank you for listening to me, my dear friend!本回答被提问者采纳