

第1个回答  2007-06-17
牛津英语7A Unit 3 短语练习
1. dress up as…打扮成…
dress up in sth 用…打扮
dress up 化装、打扮
dress sb 给…穿衣服
dress oneself 自己穿衣服
2. festivals around the world 世界各地的节日
3. special days 特别的日子
5. receive/get a letter from sb 收到…的来信
6. get ready for sth 为某事做准备
get ready to do sth 准备做某事(表示动作)
be ready for sth; be ready to do sth 准备好做某事(表示状态)
7. Thank sb for sth/doing sth. 因为某事感谢某人。
Thank you for your help./ Thank you for helping me.
8. a game called “trick or treat” 一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏
9. knock on/at the door 敲门
10. give us candies as a treat/give us a treat of candies 用糖果招待我们
give sb sth as a treat/ give sb a treat of sth 用…招待…
11. play a trick on sb 戏弄、捉弄某人
12. wear special costumes with masks 穿着连着面具的特殊服装
13. paint our faces 把脸涂色
14. People don’t know who we are. 人们不知道我们是谁。
He doesn’t know where we are going. 他不知道我们要去哪里。
15. make our own pumpkin lanterns 制作我们自己的南瓜灯笼
my own car= a car of my own 我自己的车
I have my own car.=I have a car of my own. =I’m the owner of the car.
16. cut out some shapes 剪去、挖去一些形状
17 the sharp teeth 尖尖的牙齿 brush one’s teeth刷牙
18. on the evening of October 31st 在10月31日的晚上
on a cold evening 在一个寒冷的夜晚
on a cold spring morning 在一个温暖的春天的早晨
on Saturday morning 在星期六的早晨
19. make a lantern out of a pumpkin 用南瓜做成灯笼
make sth out of sth 用… 做成…
make clothes out of cloth 用布做成衣服
20. look like a tiger 看起来象只老虎
22. watch the Dragon Boat Race 观看龙舟比赛
23. rice dumplings 粽子
24. at breakfast 早餐时 at lunch 午餐时 at supper 晚饭时
25. start(begin) to do sth/ start doing sth 开始做某事
26. learn French 学习法语
27 at 14= at the age of 14 在某人14岁的时候
28. see the doctor 去医生那里看病
29. Here is what I will do during the first week of November.
That’s what we will talk about. 那是我们要谈论的内容。
30. go on holiday 去度假; (be) on holiday (在)度假
31. in the kitchen 在厨房
32. celebrate … by doing … 通过做某事来庆祝…
celebrate Christmas by changing presents 通过交换礼物来庆祝圣诞
33. red packets with money in them 装着钱的红包
34. traditional Chinese food 传统的中国菜 Christmas traditions 圣诞节传统
35. watch the lion dance 观看舞狮表演
36. set/let off fireworks 燃放烟火
37. It will be the first time I see it. 这将是我第一次看见它。
It will be the first time sb do/does sth. 这将是某人第一次做某事。
It will be the first time he chat with friends on the Internet.
38. like sth so much 如此、这样的喜欢某事
39. cut out pieces of card 剪出几片硬纸
40. write a sentence on each flash card 在每张学习卡片上写上一句话
41. on the other side of … 在…的另外一边
on the other side of the street 在街对面
on the other side of the river 在河对岸
42. give sb a hint 给某人一个提示
43. 10-minute study time 10分钟的学习时间
a 2-month holiday 两个月的假期
an 8-year-old boy 一个8岁的男孩
44. try to do sth 努力、尽力做某事
45. put candles in the pumpkin lanterns 把蜡烛放进南瓜灯笼里
46. in many ways 通过很多种方式 in this way 用这种方法
47. shine through the eyes 从眼睛里发出光来
look through the window 透过窗户看 climb in through the window 从窗户爬进来
48. dream about/of sth 梦见…
49. in spring/summer/autumn/winter
50. make a plan 制定计划
51. make your poster look interesting 你的海报看起来有趣
52. put up your poster on the wall for display 把你的海报张贴到墙上展示
牛津英语7A Unit 4 短语练习
1. 吃汉堡 have/eat hamburgers
2. 需要很多能量 need much/a lot of/lots of energy
需要很多能量跳舞need much energy to dance
需要做某事 need to do sth.
3. 加入俱乐部 join the club
加入我们踢足球 join our football team
加入足球比赛 join the football match
4. 写一篇关于健康饮食的文章 write an article on healthy diet
5. 集邮 collect stamps
6. 不同种类的食物 different kinds of food
7. 保持健康 keep healthy
变得健康 stay healthy
变得很累 get tired
8. 找出这个问题的答案 find the answer to the question
9. 轮流问问题 take turn to ask questions
轮流做某事 take turn to do sth.
10. 轮到某人做某事 it’s one’s turn to do sth.
今天轮到我打扫教室了 it’s my turn to clean classroom today
11. 今天的报纸 today’s newspaper
12. 想成为一名舞者want to be a dancer
13. 学英语很重要 it’s important to learn English
14. 改变食谱 change the diet
15. 想更健康 want to be healthier
16. 对…有益 be good for
对…有害 be bad for
17. 给我能量 give me energy
给我能量打排球 give me energy to play volleyball
18. 吃些面包当早饭 have/eat bread for breakfast
19. 不再 not …any more/no more
20. 他不再迟到he is not late any more
21. 尖子生a top student
22. 这个单词什么意思?what’s the meaning of the word
23. 俱乐部其他成员 other member of the club
24. 说出A和B的区别 say differences between A and B
25. 有时间看报纸 have time to read newspaper
26. 问他一些问题 ask him some questions
问他一些关于如何保持健康的问题 ask him some questions about health
27. 对食物了解很多 know much about food
对食物了解很少 know little about food
对他一无所知 know nothing about him
28. 尝起来是咸的 taste salty
29. 是…的一员be a member of
30. 去溜旱冰 go roller-skating
31. 吸收800卡能量take in 800 calories energy
32. 一张购物清单 a shopping list
33. 回家吃饭 go home for lunch
34. 两片面包 two pieces of bread
35. 俱乐部成员之一 a member of the club
36. 两个多小时 more than/over two hours
不到2个小时 less than two hours
37. 一点也不 not at all
他一点也不聪明 he is not clever at all
38. 他总是不吃早饭就去上学he always goes to school without breakfast
39. 祝某人某事好运 good luck with you
40. 在…结束时 at the end of
在….开始时 at the beginning of
41. 如此多的香蕉 so many bananas
如此多的牛奶 so much milk

江苏牛津英语7A Unit 5 Going shopping 短语专练
1. 想要你和我一起去买东西 would like/want to go shopping with me
2. 需要你拎所有的这些包 need you to carry these bags
3. 一家新的叫百润发的购物商场 a new shopping mall called Bairunfa
4. 这些卡片多少钱how much(money) do the cards cost/are the cards
5. 去年的卡片在打折 there is a discount on the cards of last year
6. 买一些礼物给他们 buy some presents for them/buy them some presents
7. 在购物清单里 in the shopping list
8. 看看这些发夹 look at these hair clips
9. 宁可买新卡片prefer to buy new cards
10. 他宁可读书也不要看电视he prefers reading to watching TV
11. 相比较咖啡,他更喜欢茶he prefers tea to coffee
12. 想要做某事 want/would like to do sth.
13. 和他最喜欢的T- shirt 很配 match his T-shirt very well
14. 有足够的钱/时间做某事 have enough time to do sth.
15. 我同学中的一个 one of my cklassmates
16. 带她参观阳光地带购物中心take her to visit Sunshine shopping mall
17. 告诉她朋友关于他们的事tell her friend about their thing
18. 一家鞋店a shoe shop
19. 一家衣服店a clothes shop
20. 一家电器店an electrical shop
21. 一家运动器材店a sports shop
22. 在顶楼 on the top floor
23. 一家电脑游戏中心 a computer games center
24. 介绍一个朋友给你 introduce a friend to you
25. 在电话里和朋友聊天 chat with friends on the phone
26. 购物袋 shopping bag
27. 现在(4种)now/at present/at the moment/just now
28. 等轮到我买票 wait for my turn to buy tickets
29. 今天轮到他值日了 it’s his turn to be on duty
30. 帮我做家庭作业 help me with /to do my homework
31. 呆在学校很迟 stay at school late
32. 向图书馆借录像borrow video from the library
33. 穷人/富人/老人/年轻人 the poor/the rich/the old/the young
34. 来自贫苦地区的孩子们 children from the poor area
35. 报纸上的一个广告 the advertisment in the newspaper
36. 有足够的文具用 have enough stationery to use
37. 稿纸,书写纸 writing paper
38. 捐钱给某人donate to sb.
39. 通过(电话号码)打电话给某人call sb. by the phone number
40. 寄一些文具给他们 send them some stationery/send some stationery to them
41. 选一双新的足球鞋 a pair of new football boots
42. 试穿他们 try them on
43. 写下这些单词 write down these words
44. 其他一些东西 some other things
45. 再给我一杯水 give me another cup of water
46. 邀请他吃饭 invite him to have dinner
47. 计划做某事 plan to do sth.
48. 阳光集团很容易找到 it’s easy to find out the Sunshine company
49. 在出租车停靠站等候 wait at the taxi rank
50. 来自不同国家的不同种类的食物 different kinds of food from different countries
51. 买东西之前看电影 watch/see a film before going shopping
52. 做作业后看电视 watch TV after doing homework
53. 见朋友的好地方 a good place to meet friends
54. 很多学生在站台等公交 many students wait for the bus at the bus stop
55. 等我妈妈来做饭 wait for my mum to make dinner
56. 他最喜欢苹果了he likes apples best
57. 在一家玩具店外面 outside a toy shop
58. 在隔壁商店里 in the next door shop
59. 隔壁的女孩 the next door girl
60. 她手捂着肚子在哭 she is crying with hands on the stomach
61. 她手拿一本书站在门口 she is standing at the door with a book
62. 打110求助 ask 110 for help
63. 向某人求助 ask for sb.
64. 胃疼stomachache
65. 头疼 headache
66. 牙疼 toothache
67. 一辆警车 a police car
68.他们中的一个 one of them
69. 我能帮助你吗?Can I help you?/What can I do for you?
70. 你在找什么?What are you looking for
71. 你能帮我为我朋友找一件礼物吗?Could you help me look for a present?
72. 我确信你能找到一些今年的足球卡片。I’m sure you can find some cards of this year.
73. 你能花多少钱?我只有15元。How much can you spend? I only have 15 yuan.
74. 今年的卡片打折吗?不,但是很便宜。
Is there a discount on the cards of this year? No,but they’re cheap.
75. 你有更便宜点的书吗?Do you have any cheaper books?
76. 这双运动鞋很合我的脚。This pair of trainers fit me well.
1.上周五 last Friday
2.七年级一斑的学生the Class 1, Grade 7 students
3.举行一次服装表演 give a fashion show
4.在20世纪 in the 20th century
5.为希望工程募集资金 raise money for Project Hope
6.不同时代的衣服 clothes from different times
7.一条丝绸围巾 a silk scarf
8.看上去既潇洒又时髦 look smart and modern
9.看上去酷 look cool
10.一双颜色鲜艳的运动鞋 a pair of colourful trainers
11.作有关……的报告 give a talk on/about
12.桑迪的长统红靴子 Sandy’s long red boots
13.不同时代的人 people in different times
14.谈论某人/某事 talk about sb/sth 和某人说话 talk to /with sb
15.一条棉质/白的裤子a pair of cotton / white trousers
16.从……借入…… borrow…..from….. 把……借给…… lend……to……
17.一条红黄相间的领带 a red and yellow tie
18.给某人洗澡 give sb. a bath
19.为时装表演做些工作do some work for the fashion show
20.向某人询问某事 ask sb about sth
21.在时装表演上 at the fashion show
22.帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth = help sb (to)do sth
23.在周六早晨 on Saturday morning 24.在电影院 at the cinema
25.在天桥上表演do the walk on the catwalk
26.穿上白裤子 dress up in white trousers
27.选择穿什么 choose what to wear
28.把…割成… cut…into…
29.由…变成… change from…to…
30.完成做某事 finish doing sth
31.给某人某物 give sb sth=give sth to sb
32.把……寄/送给 send ……to……
33.由……制成 be made of
34.其他一些运动鞋 some other trainers
35.到处走走 walk around
36.好长时间 for a long time
37.其中一位模特 one of the models
38.这么多漂亮的衣服 so many beautiful clothes
39.关着的 be closed
开着的 be open
空闲 be free
忙碌 be busy
疲劳的 be tired
出生 be born
来自 be from
对…有利 be good for
对…有害 be bad for
在……方面擅长 be good at
1.我不知道穿什么。 I don’t know what to wear.
2.我还能在床上再呆十分钟。I can spend 10 more minutes in bed then.
3.我们想为希望工程募捐。We wanted to raise money for Project Hope.
Millie gave a talk on “The Life of a Trainer”.
Young people in the 1990s liked wearing trainers.
6.我还梳了一个20世纪90年代的发型。I also wore my hair in a 1990s style.
7.每个人在时装表演上都玩的愉快。Everyone had fun at the fashion show.
8.我向妈妈借来了红色的长统靴。I borrowed these long red boots from my mother.
9.这白裤子是我爸爸的。These white trousers are my father’s.
10.我从棕色变成白色。I changed from brown to white.
11.他把我送去一家商店。He sent me to a shop.
12.我们在商店呆了两个星期。We stayed in the shop for two weeks.
What is this bag made of ? It’s made of leather.
14.商店关门了。The shops are closed.
15.我希望你一天玩得愉快。I hope you enjoyed your day.
16.它适合于夏天。It’s good for summer.
17.它上面有绿花和白花。It has green and white flowers on it.
I wanted to be a football player, but now I think I want to become a model.
19.他们与衣服很搭配。They match the clothes very well.