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I first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old. My brother and his friends were all fans of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday. When they predicted that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought clothes for performance. However, at the last minute, once of the friends couldn’t go, so my brother booked me the ticket. I was really excited!
I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our seats. After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became quite. I could barely make out the stage in the darkness. We waited. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first members of the band stepped onto the stage. My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. The first song was already starting and the music was as loud a jet engine. I could feel the drum beats and bass notes in my stomach.
I can’t recall any of the songs that the band played. I just remember that I really enjoyed the show and didn’t want it to finish. But in the end, after three encores (加演), the show finished. We left the theatre and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement. I felt a little dizzy, as if I had just woken from a long sleep. My ears were still ringing with the beat of the last song.
After the performance, I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music. Once in a while,through, I listen to one of their songs and imagine I’m back at that first show.

第1个回答  2011-07-29


