

第1个回答  2014-09-01
help sb. with sth.
help yourself to
with the help of
with the help of /with one's help
Help Save Our Planet Society
[中考] 帮助拯救我们星球的协会
help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.
[中考]在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做
help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat
help each other
with one's help
with the help of …
help oneself to...
ask sb. for advice / help
[中考]请某人指点 / 帮助
a call for help
cannot help doing
help sb.(to) do sth.
help oneself to sth.
help a lot in our studies
help sb. with sth./help sb. do sth.
help a lot
[中考] 很大用处
with the help of sb.
[中考] 在某人的帮助下
in instant need of help
[中考] 急需帮助
in need of help
[中考] 需要帮助
can not help
cannot help
cannot help but
help sb. out
come to one's help
come for one's help
help oneself
help forward
[大学] 促进,鼓励
home help
n. (帮助病人或老年人做家务的)家务女工
help out

make as if
假装, 装作; 好象要
make as though
假装, 装作; 好象要
make at
扑向; 攻击
make away
离去, 逃走
make off
make up to
make it up to sb.
报答;回报 (= make it up to sb. for sth.)

make a fire
make the bed
make tea
make sure
make ready
make merry
make free with
对...放肆无礼; 任意处理; 随便使用
make from
[make up from]用...制成, 用...做成
make in
走进, 进入; 干涉; 加入
make into
制成, 做成; 使转变为
make it
及时赶到, 办成功; 达到目的; 规定时间; [口]痊愈; 性交
make it up
和解, 讲和
make known
使知晓; 传达
make like